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意思就是说学习像在逆水中行船。It means that learning is like sailing upstream.

MV中行为异常的维京海盗们又酷又古怪。These freaking vikings are both cool and strange.

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仙人掌是行走在茫茫沙漠中行者的救命恩人。Cactus is a walking entrants in the vast desert savior.

中行收购的其余股份为洛希尔发行的新股。The rest of the shares were newly issued by Rothschild.

我在公义的道上走,在公平的路中行I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice

不久后,他又在一个年轻的烟囱清洁工的家中行窃。Soon after though, he steals again from a young chimney sweep.

指出程式码中行数的约略值。Lines of Code – Indicates the approximate number of lines in the code.

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结论实施腮腺手术时,术中行冰冻切片检查是必要的。Conclusion It is necessary to give frozen section examination in parotidectomy.

我的工资卡是中行的,可是平时用建行的龙卡信用卡。My salary card is Bank of China, but usually credit card with the bank's Dragon.

因此,许多人因为不满足于平庸的存在而在生活中行迈靡靡。So, many people plod along through life semi-satisfied with a mediocre existence.

周强在中行财富管理中心巾帼建功文明岗与客户交谈。Governor Zhou talked with clients at "Able Women Post" in Wealth Management Center.

记者联系到的中行新闻处的一位人士未就此事发表评论。A Bank of China spokeswoman contacted Tuesday declined to comment of the Fuwa issue.

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中行则必须本人带身份证去开户银行的柜台才能办理注销手续。Bank of identity must I take to the counter to the depositary bank for cancellation procedures.

中资银行股上周陆续公布前三季度业绩,除中行外基本都符合我们预期。Chinese banks released 3Q11 earnings last week, all results met our expectation except for BoC.

耶稣在诸城中行了许多异能,那些城的人终不悔改,就在那时候责备他们说Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not

对本组中行单纯神经内镜下ETV手术的12例病人作手术前后3D-CISS序列扫描的较为详细的影像学评价。Detailedly evaluate the 3D-CISS sequence scanning for 12 cases in the group before and after ETV operations.

他们要在主的殿中行不敬虔的事,雕刻各样兽的形象,并许多可憎的物。And in the house of the Lord they shall work impiety and engrave every form of beast, even many abominations.

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例如,如果你的同事在工作中行为不端,那么你便有必要对此行径留有记录。If, for instance, a co-worker is behaving inappropriately, you may feel the need to keep a record of the issue.

计划帮助客户对数据中行进行安装,配置以及交付云计算服务。It plans to aid customers in installing, configuring, and delivering cloud-computing services in the data center.

持卡人可享受金鹰国际购物集团全国连锁店的折扣优惠和中行双重积分奖励。Cardholders can enjoy Jinyin international groups to the country store discounts and 49 double integral incentives.