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全文索引。Full-text indexes.

您已经拥有了一个索引。So you have an index.

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这本书有个索引。The book has an index.

所以,这就是我的索引号。So that gives me my index.

索引印在书的前页。The index is at the front.

我们还需要一本词汇索引。We also need a concordance.

但是同时返回的是索引号。i-1 But with index i minus 1.

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此时,不存在任何索引。No indexes exist at this time.

不在社团目录索引里面。It's not in the index of clubs.

该书附有一个人名索引。The book has in it a name index.

我决心有效地索引数据。I resolve to index data usefully.

我们决定追踪视图索引。We decided to pursue view indexing.

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索引涉及各式各样的主题。Indexes cover all sorts of subjects.

可以帮助避免排序的索引。Indexes that can help to avoid sorts.

使用目录索引查书。Look for a book in the subject index.

适当地为表列建立索引。Index your table columns appropriately.

这是整部作品的一个总索引。It's a general index to the whole work.

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使用目录索引查书。Look for the book in the subject index.

因此有选择地建立索引会具有意义。So it makes sense to index selectively.

要移除的项的索引号。The index number of the item to remove.