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国际公认会计原则对其做出了定义The GAAP standards define this.

他是公认的最佳玩手。He was hailed as the best player.

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他是公认的活字典。He is known as a walking dictionary.

是举世公认的高尔夫之乡。Is universally recognised as a hole.

那种观点在这儿正迅速得到人们的公认。That view is rapidly obtaining here.

杨丽萍是公认的出色的舞蹈家。Yang Liping is know as a great dancer.

这是一部公认的经典影片。The film is now recognized as a classic.

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园林建筑学现今被公认是美术的一种。I'm interested in classical architecture.

莎士比亚被公认为著名的剧作家。Shakespears is down as a famous dramatist.

她是一位公认的优秀作家。She was well known as an excellent writer.

电影制片现已公认是一种艺术形式。Film-making is now accepted as an art-form.

梅沙而第被公认为是一个特别的地方。Mesa Verde is recognized as a special place.

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我那时公认的绰号是咬舌诗人。My recognised cognomen was the Lisping Poet.

公认的摇滚乐女杰。The acknowledged first lady of rock and roll.

这是计算按照美国公认会计准则。That is calculated in accordance with US GAAP.

这是举世公认的事实。It is the fact acknowledged from China to Peru.

叶斯柏森是公认的世界级语言学家。Jespersen is considered a world-famous linguist.

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巴西是世界公认的狂欢节之乡。Brazil is well-known as the hometown of Carnival.

前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。The ex-president is a known farsighted politician.

前总统。前任首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。The ex-president is a known farsighted politician.