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她会给小提琴上弦。She can string a violin.

这只表需要上弦了。This watch needs winding up.

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我的手表需要每天上弦。My watch needs winding every day.

昨天晚上我的表忘了上弦了。I forgot to wind my watch last night.

这是一种新款的自动上弦手表。This is a new type of self-winding watch.

月亮现在处在上弦位相。The moon is now at the first quarter phase.

欲知心断绝,应看胶上弦。For hearts cut off, should look at the rubber winding.

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那是一台上弦的老式留声机。It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up.

上弦月是新月和满月的中间状态。A first-quarter moon is halfway between new moon and full moon.

手表内部是瑞士手工生产的上弦机械机芯。Inside the watch is a Swiss manually wound mechanical movement.

从新月到上弦月,月亮逐渐圆满起来,它们却忽然消失了。The moon grew from crescent to gibbous, and suddenly the toads were gone.

缅甸卑谬依诺瓦底江大桥的上弦杆为钢箱杆件。Top chords of Pyay Irrawaddy River Bridge in Myanmar are of steel box members.

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该机利用鞍座上下颠波自动上弦。The machine makes use of a saddles bumping upwards and downwards for automatic winding up.

您要是想形成规律,那建议您每天早上起床后为您的爱表上弦。If you want to form a rule, then it is recommended that you wake up every morning as you love the wind.

利用X射线应力测定技术对浦东国际机场钢屋架上弦主梁的残余应力进行现场测定。Residual stresses in girder of Pu-Dong international airport roof truss is measured by X-ray technique.

建模时,使用不同连接件模拟了上弦杆搭接螺栓连接以及腹杆的鸭嘴端螺栓连接。Different connector elements are used to simulate the bolt connection of the top joint, and the end of web.

如何为您的手表上弦?上弦表冠产生的能量被传至送发条弹簧,在发条盒内堆积。And how was your watch winders? The crown generated energy is sent to the spring, spring accumulation in the box.

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换句话说,在上弦月的晚上,我们看见半边月亮日,或者说真正1/4的月亮。In other words, on the night of first quarter moon, we see half the moon's day side, or a true quarter of the moon.

组合网架是近十多年发展起来的一种新型结构,其上弦节点的设计与构造是技术关键所在。Double-layered grids with steel members and reinforced concrete slabs are new structures developed in recent decades.

如果我跟随你的忠告,我将象你一样给上弦,工作更努力并且更努力仅仅付钱更多的税和风起来在债。If I follow your advice, I'll wind up like you, working harder and harder only to pay more taxes and wind up in debt.