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我知道一口深不可测的井。I know of a fathomless well.

河水深不可测。The river is unfathomably deep.

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还是方木更加深不可测?Is square still wood more abysmal?

深不可测、疏离的咸咸海洋。The unplumbed, salt, estranging sea.

这个谜洞对我来说深不可测、漆黑一团。It was just a deep, dark puzzle to me.

他的严肃深不可测。Unfathomable was the depth of his gravity.

现在他自已正在向那深不可测的海底进发。Now he was himself plumbing an unfathomable sea.

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考利认为福克纳是一位深不可测的作家。Cowley agreed that Faulkner was an uneven writer.

还有他的理念,坚忍明晰,深不可测。Yet his ideas, though clear, were never simplistic.

善的思想和恶的思想一样,也是深不可测的。Good thoughts have their abysses as well as evil ones.

我们生活在一片深不可测、可形可塑的精神实体的海洋之中。We live in a fathomless sea of plastic mind substance.

但她的神色突然变得深不可测。But suddenly her look changed and deepened inscrutably.

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他正是使得这个暴乱深不可测的原因。That's what made the violence particularly unfathomable.

世界是复杂的,迷惑人的,深不可测的。The world is a complex, confusing, and highly uncertain place.

对了,就是你,有些深不可测、实力均衡的犹他爵士。Yes, it's you, some kind of fathomless and balanced team, Utah Jazz.

或者那是飞溅的眼泪?人类眼泪深不可测的池沼?Or is it the plashing of tears? the measureless waters of human tears?

他坚信法律会覆盖掉人类行为上那些深不可测的谜团。He believes that laws can cover the fathomless mysteries of human behaviour.

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为此,其不惜肉身,修炼鬼谷派的禁忌秘术,实力已是深不可测。Therefore, the flesh at uniting the taboo guiguzi defiler, strength is deep.

当我们有深不可测的海洋时,谁还需要空间?Who needs space when there remain the unfathomable depths of our own oceans?

荆棘和野蔷薇蔓生,深不可测的树丛令他唯有绕道而行。Brambles and multiflora rose grew in impenetrable thickets she detoured around.