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这一章是对蕉园诗社的解构,是全文的核心部分。This chapter is the core of this article.

你可以立刻分辨出诗社的成员。You can tell a Poetry Club member right off.

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参加诗社、欣赏画展或是出席舞会都是你大显身手的好机会。Attend a poetry slam, visit a photography exhibit or head out to a dance party.

而整个北郭诗社创作成就最高的诗人群体则是“吴中四杰”。But in general, "Four Great Poets of Wuzhong" achieved the highest in Beiguo Poets Society.

现为葡萄园诗社同仁,新诗学会、诗歌艺术学会会员。She is a member of the Vineyard Poetry Quarterly, New Poetry Association and Poetic Art Association.

怀安诗社是中国无产阶级革命文艺史上第一个古典诗词诗社。Huai'an Poets's Club is the first classical poets' club in the history of Chinese proletarian literature.

我如同死亡诗社里的学生一样背负着责任和义务的重担。I, like the students in Dead Poets Society, felt weighed down under the fearsome load of duty and obligation.

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受西方超现实主义诗学影响,台湾创世纪诗社对潜意识与梦的世界进行了深度的探索。Influenced by Western Surrealistic poetics, Taiwan's Epoch Poetry Club probe into the world of subconsciousness and dreams.

台湾创世纪诗社在对西方超现实主义诗学的借鉴和重铸之中,尝试实现台湾诗歌的现代化。The Epoch Poetry Club attempts to have Taiwanese poetry modernized by adopting and re-forging Western Surrealistic poetics.

他们和其他五位诗人在一九三三年共同创办了风车诗社并出版同名诗刊。With five other poets, they co-founded the Windmill Poetry Society in Tainan in 1933 and published a journal under the same name.

沙溪成立了文学、美术书法、音乐舞蹈、曲艺、诗社、摄影、集邮、民间艺术等八大协会。Shaxi Town has established eight associations for literature, art &calligraphy, music dance, ballad, poem, photography, philately , folk art.

本文在爬梳剔抉史料的基础上,对该诗社活动的情况作了较为全面的探讨。This article, based on the collection and classification of historical facts, makes a thorough study of the activities of the Xi Poets Society.

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寻求语言、形式的张力,是蓝星诗社诗人在接受西方象征主义文学时的较为一致的取向和审美选择。The Blue Star Poetic Group holds identical views with the Western symbolist literature on creating a tension between language and contextual construction.

现为越南华文文学季刊副主编,胡志明市华文文学会副会长以及风笛诗社成员。He is the vice-editor of the Viet-Nam Chinese Literary Quarterly, and the vice president of Viet-Nam Chinese literary association and a member of Feng-Ti poetry club.

“红帆”诗社的前期成员,多为海南籍,这形成了他们独特的世界观感和文化认知。A majority of the first batch of members in the "red-sail" poets club are natives of Hainan, which helps to constitute their unique observation of the world and their cultural cognizance.

解严后随著价值多元、网路媒体兴盛,诗人加入诗社或兴办诗刊风潮渐退。With the rise of diversified values and the rise of network and media after the Martial Law Era, the wave among poets of joining poetic clubs or founding poetic periodicals began to decline.

在中国现代新诗史上,还没有一个诗社像现代诗社这样大张旗鼓地在理论和实践上都注重符号诗创作。The past record of New Poetry in China's modern era has never witnessed any but Modern Poetry Club's passion and efforts in promoting vehemently Concrete Poetry theoretically and practically.

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她讲了她从一个沉浸在纽约鲍威利诗社里并有双大眼睛的少年转变为一个通过口语诗展示孩子们自我表达能力的V。She tells the story of her metamorphosis — from a wide-eyed teenager soaking in verse at New York's Bowery Poetry Club to a teacher connecting kids with the power of self-expression through Project V.