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想开个诊所?Want to start a health clinic?

我现在想开一个私人支票账户。We can not handle post-dated checks at the moment.

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其实对方是想开窗户的,是出于对你的尊重才问你介意开否?。Well, don't open it. Doyoumind if I open the window?

她也想开一家宠物狗衣服商店。She also wants to open an ear-piercing boutique for dogs.

你是否仍然回父母家吃完饭抹完嘴就想开溜?Do you still back to parents there eat a meal want to bug out?

今天我老婆想开我的卡车去洗一洗,好给我一个惊喜。Today, my wife took my truck to get it washed as a surprise for me.

那,别怪我没提醒你哦,想开开心心学外语,要上沪江哦。If you want to study foreign language happily, you definitely log on yeshj!

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陆梅忽然想开初到砍木场时发现的阿谁下水口。Liu Mei discovered when suddenly want to back to chop wood field who drains.

修行是点点滴滴的,你想开「楞严」的智慧?Cultivation is done bit by bit. Do you want to develop the Shurangama wisdom?

现在,我仍然过的很节俭,但对于那些可以让生活质量提高的开支,我已经想开很多了。Now, I'm still frugal, but I'm much more open to spending on things that enrich my life.

先生本想开车去上班,但他不能开车,一直要等到扫雪车清好马路。Mr. A planned to drive to work, but he could not do so until the snowplows cleared the streets.

通常,想开餐厅的人最爱犯这个毛病——我真有兴趣去窃取他们的想法吗?Would-be restaurateurs are often the worst offenders – would I really bother stealing their idea?

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道雨知道秀雅要飞八天七夜,想开车去见秀雅,但是秀雅说她过去。The rain know fair will fly eight days and seven nights, want to drive to see fair, but fair said she used to.

记者拨通这位“张医生”的手机号码,说正在装修房子,想开几天病假。The reporter dials this " Doctor Zhang " mobile phone number, say to decorating a building, consider sick leave.

但是如果你本人想开张兑现支票,就不可打叉线。When you send a cheque by post be careful to cross it, but if you wish to cash a cheque yourself, you must leave it open.

本人想开个汽车美容中心,汽车装潢配件具体进货渠道在哪里!Do myself want to open the automobile cosmetology center, the automobile decoration fitting concrete inventory channel in where!

您是否也想开运招财过龙年呢?龙年年书上架了,通过网上订购,将获得亲笔签名与赠言。Do you ever wonder to have a prosperity year in 2012? The new book is launched, buy through online may get an autograph on the book.

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回去之后晓燕劝楚楚想开点,楚楚真后悔当初为什么没有给自己的爱情买份保险。After return xiaoyan advised delicate and would like to open point, delicate and really regret why didnt give their love to buy insurance.

第一,骗子抓住大部分人爱贪小便宜的弱点,采用低价战术诱惑想开私服的人。First, most people love cheater seize greedy small cheap weaknesses, the use of low-cost tactics to open the temptation of illegal websites.

当时兄弟俩想开一家奇特商品商店,于是购买了这个笑脸的商标合法权,包括那句用滥了的口号“天天有个好心情”。Wanting to start a novelty store, Bernard and Murray bought the legal rights to the mark along with the now infamous tag-line, "Have a nice day."