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综合几何学家们在发展射影几何学。The synthetic geometers were developing projective geometry.

文章以二维复射影空间为论域。This essay in concerned with two dimension of complex projection space.

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它是过射影中心且平行于象平面的平面。It is the plane through the center of projection parallel to the image plane.

利用二次曲线的射影理论讨论了二直线夹角的平分线的确定与性质。The article discusses the determination and quality of angular bisector of two lines.

的衍生与Q等效,即它们定义的射影平面是同构的。A derivatization of Q is equipollent with Q, i. e. , they define isomorphic projective planes.

提出一种基于方向可变滤波器的平面物体射影不变性识别方法。A new kind of method for recognition of planar object is presented based on steerable filters.

若射影直线为水平,则映射点的求取非常简单、方便。Since the projection line is horizontal, it is easy and convenient to obtain the mapping points.

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通过用射影算子方法,我们对所有原子簇模型中的化学吸附键进行了分析。The analysis of the chemisorption bond has been carried out by means of projection operator techniques.

提出了一种基于射影重建的线性摄像机自标定方法。In this paper, a linear camera self-calibration technique based on projective reconstruction is proposed.

本文研究了底空间为实射影空间时上协边类纤维丛表示的若干性质。In this paper we deal with some properties of cobordism classes of fiber bundles over the real projective space.

在射影几何中,二次曲线定理告诉我们任意五点可以决定一条二次曲线。According to the fUndamental theorem of coniC In projective geometry any five points can decide one conic section.

摄影测量天然地就是一个射影几何问题。As photograph can be considered as central projection, photogrammetry is naturally a topic of projective geometry.

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本文给出了三维射影空间上对合透视的代数表达式。In this paper we discuss the algebraic expression of involutory perspective in three-dimensional projective space.

此内容可以作为射影几何教学中理论联系实际的典型例题。This can be considered as a typical example of integrating theory with practice in the projection geometry teaching.

在已知欧氏重构即摄像机内参数的基础上,介绍一种基于标定的平面射影失真矫正方法。Under the known camera internal parameters circumstance, uses a good method of rectifying the perspective distortion.

所有二次曲线皆为射影形,它们之间存在建立透射结构的可能性。Conic sections of different kind are projection graph, in which there are possibility to set perspective construction.

首次在射影坐标系下对亏格为3的超椭圆曲线密码体制推导了无需求逆的明确公式。For the first time, the inversion-free explicit formulae are derived for genus 3 HECC in projective coordinate system.

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文章后半部分探讨了射影平坦的芬斯勒空间,得到它成为常曲率空间的一个条件。Then they focus on a projectively flat Finsler spaces, find a sufficient condition for it to be of constant curvature.

一个从未在射影几何任何措施,而是一个涉及一组点到另一个由投射。In projective geometry one never measures anything, instead, one relates one set of points to another by a projectivity.

论文对二维平面上区域进行不规则四边形剖分,构造了区域到子区域的射影变换。This paper dissects the quadrangle area on the plan irregularly and constructs project transforms from area to subareas.