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但是对于有些人而言,日食也被视为不祥之兆。But for others, the eclipse was seen to be a bad omen.

“这些都是不祥之兆!”可怜的蕾妮叹息道。"These are mournful auspices to accompany a betrothal, " sighed poor Renée.

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1077年,该修道院被重建成充满不祥之兆的中世纪哥特式。In 1077, the abbey was rebuilt in the foreboding gothic style of the medieval time.

战争未起先折兵马,不祥之兆给全篇奠定了低沉的格调。War not at first, the writing on the clay to fold jumping over the style of laid the deep.

不祥之兆不断显现,函数式编程日显重要。The handwriting is on the wall and functional programming is going to continue to grow in importance.

这个团队将到达一个有不祥之兆的地方,和当地的一个以毁坏所有人物品为乐的食尸鬼较量。The team would arrive in a foreboding spot, to take on a local ghoul ruining things for everyone else.

我没有这些人物足智多谋,因而我一直找不出化不祥之兆为喜讯的言词。Not having the resourcefulness of these great man, I could find no words to make the bad symbolism good.

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如果股价上涨,成交量反而减少,除非是庄家控盘,否则是一个不祥之兆,应及早高场。If the stock price increases, reduced turnover, unless Makers Menu, and it is an ill omen, early high field.

当我步入考场的那一刻,我就有一种可怕的不祥之兆,因为我什么也没学!The moment I walked into the examination hall, I had a terrible sense of foreboding because I had not done any study!

介绍中国最著名的跨栏选手刘翔的那一章,使得你认为这本书已经隐隐有不祥之兆头。The chapter about Liu Xiang, China’s great hurdler, made you wish that the book had been issued with some wood to knock

她的言谈中已经出现了停顿,口齿不清的现象,这就是她的不祥之兆,尽管当时我并不知道。Already there had crept into her speech a halting lisping quality that though I did not know it, was the shadow of her future.

对于它们我百看不厌,尤其是在万圣节期间,当那些光秃秃的树木呈现出一股不祥之兆时,我看得更是起劲。妈呀!I can't get enough of them, especially around Halloween when the shadows from the leafless trees take on ominous shapes. Yikes!

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他告诉我拜妲在过去三个星期内打了许多次电话,想知道我什么时候去医院——这是个不祥之兆,他说。He told me Baida had called many times in the last three weeks wanting to know when I would visit the hospital – a bad sign, he said.

“乌鸦”物象在华夏民族的历史长河中,其文化象征意义不断地发生着变化,并最终合流为不祥之兆。In the national historical long river of China, " crow " object's cultural symbolic meaning is changing constantly, and meet for ill omen finally.

这是巨大转变之前的不祥之兆,这些所有你们一切的实相正在眼前经历,而我们的角色是促进这些转变。These are portents of the immense changes that every part of your reality is now going through, and our role is to be a catalyst for these changes.

高盛去年底一度非常乐观,如今却公然下调前景,透露出一丝不祥之兆——而且,有充分的理由相信还将有更多的坏消息传来。But Goldman was so bullish at the end of last year that a pronounced darkening in its outlook is ominous – and there is every reason to believe the bad news isn't over.

元旦这天,西班牙家长特别“仁慈”,他们会满足孩子的一切要求,因为按照当地风俗,孩子们骂人、打架和哭啼都是不祥之兆。New Year's Day that day, Spain parents special "kind", they will meet all the demands of children, because in accordance with local customs, the children curse, fight and cry are foreboding.

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这对金融市场来说也是不祥之兆,因为无论是欧洲向欧元贴膏药的方法还是美国“得过且过”的战略都无法使财政赤字可持续。And it bodes ill for financial markets, since neither Europe's sticking-plaster approach to the euro nor America's "jam today, God knows what tomorrow" tactic with the deficit are sustainable.