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雨劈里啪啦地打在屋顶上。Rain was splattering on the roof.

屋顶上响起了劈里啪啦的雨点声。Rain started to patter on the roof.

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我们听见雨点劈里啪啦地打在房顶上。We heard the rain spattering on the roof.

冰雹劈里啪啦地敲打着窗玻璃。Hailstone are rattling on the window-panes.

这些烤苹果在烤箱内劈里啪啦地响。The baked apples are spluttering in the oven.

鞭炮劈里啪啦地响。The firecrackers were crackling and spluttering.

孩子们到处奔跑,劈里啪啦地放着玩具枪。There were children running all over the place , popping off toy guns.

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不经意间,用手撩动头发,还会产生劈里啪啦的响声。Inadvertently, provoke hair with his hand, give rise to cracking and spluttering noise.

哥哥和我为了自卫,常常取笑阿梅说的英语,结果就引来一阵劈里啪啦听不懂的德语。In self-defense, my brother and I would often joke about Meta's English, thereby touching off an explosion of unintelligible German.

刹那间,天空昏暗,苍穹洞开。眼前只看见猛烈的雨,耳畔只剩下劈里啪啦的冰雹声。难道是乾坤颠倒、天地翻覆?Suddenly, the sky darkened, the heaven opened and all that could be seen and heard was sleet, driving rain and the drumming of hailstones.

因为,污垢会使你的头发看起来打卷、粘着,在干燥的季节,粘着的头发如同一个个静电棒,“劈里啪啦”的响声也会不绝于耳。Because dirt will make your hair look volumes, adhesion, in the dry season, adhesion, static hair as one by one rod, "cracking and spluttering" sound will be going on.