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碘酒烧灼得伤口火辣辣的。The cuts Burn from the iodine.

他的脸因挨了耳光而感到火辣辣的。His cheek tingled from the slap.

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骄阳整天火辣辣地晒着我们。The sun beat down on us all day.

所有这些都走火辣辣的过激之作。All this is fiery radical writing.

来了一个火辣辣的舌吻。Come to one peppery tongue to kiss.

我喝了茅台酒喉咙里火辣辣的。The Maotai wine burned in my throat.

她感到脸上火辣辣地红了起来。She felt colour flame up in her cheeks.

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调味料辣得他的嘴和舌头火辣辣的。The hot spices Burned his mouth and tongue.

丽考用手按着火辣辣发病的面颊。Reiko pressed her hand to her burning cheek.

即便是大清早,太阳也火辣辣地燃烧着。Even early in the day, the sun was burning hot.

火辣辣的太阳下,她们浑身是汗。They're sweating all over under the scorching sun.

我的双腿蹦得累极了,脸也冻得火辣辣的。My legs were tired with jumping and my face burned.

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火辣辣红外线丰胸器,21天大四寸!Breast enlargement 4 inches in 21 days! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

过了一个火辣辣的假期,新的学期又开始了。Had a burning of the holiday, the new semester has begun.

太阳火辣辣地晒着他们,他们已是汗如泉涌。Already they were sweating as the sun beat down upon them.

我在那儿站了一小会儿,脸火辣辣的。For a fraction of a second I stood there, my face burning.

我把手里的龙舌兰一口吞了,喉咙里火辣辣的。I downed my shot of mescal. I could feel it burn in my throat.

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“怎么会?”我打了个嗝,喉咙再次被酒精熏得火辣辣的。"How so?" I burped, and the alcohol burned up into my mouth again.

蚂蚁因为其蛰刺蛰到人后火辣辣的感觉而得名。The ant gets its name form the burning sensation caused by its sting.

目前在日本火辣辣热卖中之专攻男女市场产品。This product is currently hot sold in Japan for man and woman market.