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但是谢依然面临着对马英九的一场恶战。But he faces a tough battle against Mr Ma.

战士们准备进行一场恶战。The soldiers got ready for a fierce battle.

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在这场恶战中,双方死伤无数。The savage fighting claimed many lives on both sides.

然而,佩特洛娃在第一局的恶战中展示了她的级数。But Petrova showed her class in a hard-fought first set.

在一场恶战之后,弹弹唱唱是很好的放松。It is very relaxing and it calms me down after a tough game.

他在训练中表现的很好而且周一的比赛是场恶战。He has trained very well and Monday will be a very difficult game.

杀庙街头一场恶战,大众四散奔逃。Kill temple street a 15-second, mass run off in different directions.

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在这场恶战中,绝望的人们只能靠药物和心理的治疗勉强作战。Counselling and medication are both fighting a desperate battle to help.

如果谣言是真的,这二人要面临一场离婚恶战了。If the sex tapes rumors are true, they will only harshen a rough divorce case.

克鲁斯赢得了一场恶战,当四个回合结束下来已经泣不成声了。Crews won a hard-fought, four-round bout and broke down in tears when it was over.

但是,我是一名锡耶纳的球员,而且本周日我们还有一场和亚特兰大的恶战。However, I'm a Siena player and on Sunday there will be a difficult game against Atalanta.

在本周日我们和热刺还有一场恶战要打,他们本赛季真得做得很棒。We've got a really difficult game on Sunday against Spurs and they've had a fantastic season.

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尽管技术领先,TheraSense公司知道启动该产品将是一场恶战。Despite its technology advantages, TheraSense knew that its launch would be a difficult battle.

只要荷兰教头一个闪失,我们就会看到场边的一场恶战。One false move from the Dutch coach and we could have witnessed some very unsightly aggro on the touchline.

这是一场恶战,我们已经逼近城区,还有大概10个伤员,有一个已经死了。We have made ourselves into the outskirts of town. We’ve got low casualties, almost ten, I think, and 1 dead.

而且恶战当中,小阿斗不但不哭,反而睡得香甜,试问哪个大男人有这样的本事?Furthermore, during the battle Ah Dou slept soundly during the battle, which guy can have this hold on babies?

今非昔比了,年龄以及对阵帕奎奥的12回合恶战,都已造成他的耗损。Not anymore. Age and wear and tear from his grueling 12-round battles with Pacquiao have had an impact on him.

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尽管酒吧恶战在电影里看起来很是那么一回事,在现实生活中,却会令人后悔不迭,而这其实完全可以避免。While bar fights always look cool in movies, they are frequently regretted and totally avoidable in real life.

谁都没有想到湖人对阵山猫的这场比赛会是一场恶战?。Who knew that both the nuttiest and grittiest Lakers game of the season would come against the Charlotte Bobcats?

龙首战舰通常用弩炮发射抓钩强行与敌船靠拢,然后展开接舷恶战。These boats carry ballista for firing grappling hooks to pull enemy ships into contact, enabling boarding actions.