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他用绳子上吊。He hung hilf with a rope.

王后上吊自缢了。The queen hanged herself.

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她因绝望而上吊自尽。She hanged herself out of despair.

她在拂晓时上吊了。She had hanged herself at daybreak.

我不会在一件事上吊着,”他吐露道。I don't go for one thing, " he confides."

把领航员的包从领航艇上吊上来。Lift up the pilots bag from the pilot boat.

她没有关于上吊的任何记忆。She has no memory of trying to hang herself.

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吊车把集装箱从船上吊下来。The crane lifted the container off the ship.

她让灯笼从屋顶上吊著。She left the lantern pendent from the ceiling.

接着又称她上吊自杀。Then the claim was that she had hanged herself.

起重机把沉重的石头从地上吊了起来。The crane lifted the heavy stone from the ground.

五颜六色的气球从灯上吊下来。Balloons of all colours are hanging from the lights.

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在18世纪你可以把海盗系在桁杆上吊死。Hanging pirates from the yardarm is so 18th-century.

有了希望,人就不会上吊和投水自杀。Hope keeps a man from hanging, and drowning himself.

带着绝望的心,她上吊自尽了。Taking acedia heart, commit suicide of her hang oneself.

欧比,你觉得我会因为乱丢垃圾而准备上吊自杀吗?Obie, did you think I was going to hang myself for littering?

没有不透风的墙,没有不能上吊的梁。No leak of the walls, no can't commit suicide by hanging of beam.

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这个网站介绍说上吊是一种无痛的方式,但谁又真正知道是否如此?The site states that hanging is painless, but who knows if it is?

他把钓线拉上来,钩上吊着一条大鲤鱼。When he hauled it up there was a great carp at the end of the hook.

橱柜五金中,吊柜挂件是支撑上吊柜的主要力量。Cabinet hardware, condole supports Diaogui pendant is the main force.