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杀鸡取卵的领子和前。Banded collar and front.

我的领子扣不起来。My collar won't button down.

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这件上衣的领子是狐皮的。The collar of this coat is fox.

看看领子翻好了没有。Be sure to flip down your collar.

在你的领子上留下唇印。Spotting lipstick on your collar.

她轻轻拍掉领子上的灰尘。She flicked the dust off the collar.

皮领子湿了时毛就结在一起。The fur collar mats when it gets wet.

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在门襟和领子的对比小费。Contrast tipping at placket and collar.

你府上在什么地方?“衬衫领子问。"Where do you live?" asked the collar. "

领子要挺,袖口要扣好。Collar to be pretty, to be buttoned cuffs.

令人难以置信的温暖风格的仿毛皮领子。Faux fur collar for fabulously warm style.

他那破烂上衣的领子向上翻着。The collar of his ragged coat was turned up.

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合身的领子和武器的自我约束力。Form-fitting self binding at collar and arms.

如果你没扣你的领子,取下你的领带。If you unbutton your collar, remove your tie.

她动手解她长袍的领子。She began unfastening the collar of her gown.

衬衫或夹克的领子给人以权威感。Collars on a shirt or jacket convey authority.

领子前中不要交叠但也不要张开。Center front collar not overlap, also not spray.

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恐怕我把你的衬衫领子烧焦了。I'm afraid I've singed the collar of your shirt.

由于风大,他把大衣领子翻了起来。He turned the coat collar up because of the wind.

采购产品围巾,披肩,海滩裙,绑和鞠躬绳子,领子。Pareos and Made-Ups, Ties and Bow Ties, Neckwear.