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软水如何实现节能?How Does Soft Water Save Energy?

自来水水质太硬,请购买一台软水器。Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener.

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在软水条件下较低的起泡性。Designed to be low foaming in soft water conditions.

加注的冷却水应是不含杂质的清洁软水。Fill soft water into cooling system without impurity.

最好能搭配一些弱酸性的软水底泥。The best collocation some weak acidic water sediment.

另外,在准备面膜时,尽量使用软水。Also try to use soft water when preparing facial masks.

另外,在准备奚望谈时,尽量使用软水。Also try to use soft water when preparing USB Skype Mouse.

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硬水和软水是两种不同的水。Hard water and soft water are two different kinds of water.

当硬水流入软水机后,便会从树脂球周围流过。As hard water flows through the water softener, it passes around the plastic beads.

在软水,纯水生产系统中,作为前级净水供应系统。Play as supplying system of preceding stage in producing soft water and pure water.

全自动软水器是目前较为流行的锅炉水处理设备。The automatic softeners are very popular boiler water treatment equipments at present.

我心目中的男子汉,不应当是一个杏花春雨,温山软水浸泡出来的寂寞歌手。To me, a man should not be a lonely musician a product of warm hills and soft streams.

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采用风—水热交换器,冷却水采用循环软水,设计有水温、液位指示及保护。And recycling soft water is used as cooling water with temperature and water level indicator.

全自动软水器、空气净化器等水厂全程配套系列产品。Automatic water softener, air purifiers and other water works supporting the whole product line.

同时针对磨料水射流“软水刀”特性提出误差补偿和速度补偿控制。An error compensation and speed control for the features abrasive waterjet soft tool were proposed.

在使用前需要清洁软水器。使用干净的、氯化消毒水反复清洗过滤床。Regenerate the softener before you use it. Use clean, chlorinated water to backwash the filter bed.

在第二个浸洗器中,用软水喷淋以吸收在第一个浸洗器中未被除去的氨。In the second washer, softened water is sprayed to absorb any ammonia not removed in the first washer.

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软水草一种生在水中的东半球植物,叶片呈螺纹形、矛状,雌雄异株,花为单生、腋生。A submersed Old World Plant having whorled, lance-shaped leaves and unisexual, solitary, axillary flowers.

他先把几段软水管接成一个圈,再用衬垫和软布把它缠起来。He took pieces of a garden hose and fastened them into a hoop, then covered it in padding and soft fabric.

海岛系列软水机,如海岛般展现给您的是一个柔美、焕新的世界。Island Series Water softener is as island, who shows you a world which full of soft , beautiful and fresh.