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我可以请你帮我校阅一下我的报告吗?。Could I get you to proofread my report?

我已校阅并稍加修订。I had reviewed and slightly revised it.

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本文章已经被明确校阅过。The article has been revised for clarity.

你能校阅一下这份手稿吗?Would you please blue-pencil this manuscript?

从来没有一支完成战备的单位能通过校阅。No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection.

素来不--支筹备好校阅旳部队能活过战役。No inspection ready unit has ever passed combat.

我已校阅并修订之。一档案附呈。I had reviewed and revised them. One file attached.

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我已校阅过并以黄色标示出我所修改之处。I had revised it, and marked my revision in yellow.

我已校阅并修订之。附呈以供大家分享之。I had reviewed and revised it. It is attached for all to share.

我已经校阅此篇并将我校订的地方以黄色标示出来。I have revised the work and highlighted my revisions in yellow.

我也已校阅过了他所敬造的简轨。请看附呈的F1647档案。I had also reviewed the brief sadhana he composed. See F1647 attached.

弟子敬行提交此文章的译文供我校阅。Disciple Jing Xing submitted a translation of this article for my review.

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亚洲国家重视校阅,讲外语还有更多的欲望。Asian countries value education, speaking foreign languages and are more engaged.

他们依次记诵并写下它,再与先知穆罕默德一起校阅。They, in turn, memorized it, wrote it down, and reviewed it with the Prophet Muhammad.

他传来给我校阅而我已略作修订,完稿档案附呈。He sent it for my review and I had revised it slightly. The resulting file is attached.

弟子敬行已经将此简轨译成英文,我已作了校阅并修订之。Disciple Jing Xing had translated the sadhana into English. I had reviewed and revised it.

同侪校阅在写作教学中的积极作用得到了普遍认可。The positive function of peer review in teaching foreign language writing is well recognized.

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这些新兵都已领有制服,现在他们正在校阅场接受训练。The recruits were already given their uniforms, and now they are being drilled on the parade ground.

弟子海鹦录音并做了笔录。我已校阅并审订了此笔录。Disciple Hai Ying did the recording and the transcription. I had reviewed and revised the transcript.

此外,先知穆罕默德与加百列天使每年校阅古兰经一次,并在其生命的最后一年校阅两次。Muhammad reviewed the Quran with the Angel Gabriel once each year AND twice in the last year of his life.