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可是马福尔…斯莱特林的传人?。But Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin?

我很骄傲,因为我是龙的传人!And, Yo! listen! I am a son of Dragon!

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但它到我手时已经是第三代传人了。From Selina to Karen and now on my hand.

这个用户是龙的传人。This user is a Descendant of the Dragon.

减少人传人的风险。Reducing the risk of human-to-human transmission.

昆曲传人青黄不接,他是其中之一。He is also one of a dwindling breed of Kunqu artists.

后来,这位小和尚成了师傅的衣钵传人。The little bonzer became the master's inheritor later.

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就像歌里唱得一样,“永永远远是龙的传人。”Just like the song goes, "always an heir of the dragon".

大家都看到了,史莱哲林的传人又再一次留下了讯息。As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message.

我以龙的传人之名命令你,发动!I teach other people the name by the dragon to order you, launch!

其传人居住在加州旧金山郊外。Descendants live outside San Francisco in Cortina and Colusa, Calif.

康帝不愧是龙的传人!他在抢龙上真的很有一手。Descendants of the dragon CONDI! he's a really great at steal Baron.

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我们中国人经常称自己为“龙的传人”。We Chinese often consider ourselves "the descendants of the dragon."

大刀世家传人齐昭曾是宣统皇帝御前侍卫。Broadsword family descendant JiZhao was xuantong emperor queen bodyguard.

现在经营羊头马的是马家第七代传人——马国义。Now Ma Guoyi, the seventh heir in Ma's family, is operating the Sheep Head Ma.

目前只记录了有限的人传人的少数实例。Only a few instances of limited human-to-human transmission have been recorded.

生日快乐,成龙大哥!也希望龙的传人能够进行的顺顺利利!HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE GEGE and hope everything goes smoothly for "The Disciple"!

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于一叶,溶于一杯,润泽了世世代代龙的传人。In the leaf, dissolve in a glass moist Generations of descendants of the Dragon.

因而,“龙的传人”、“龙的国度”也获得了世界的认同。Thus, " descendants of the dragon", " the dragon" also gained world recognition.

因为某些极少的原因,野蛮人、巡林客或是游荡者也会成为一名龙之传人。In rare cases, barbarians, rangers, or rogues have been known to become initiates.