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他们在餐桌上谈笑风生。They talk and laugh at a dinner table.

讲演者谈笑风生。使死气沉沉的会议顿添生气。The speaker's exuberance enlivened a boring conference.

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照片显示金正日精力充沛、谈笑风生。The photos showed Kim engaged in conversation and active.

我读书努力,我工作勤奋,和朋友们谈笑风生。I try to read, I go to work, I'm laughing with my friends.

当我看见你与她谈笑风生时,你是否有曾想过我的感受?When l saw you talked with her, have you ever thought my feelings?

她谈笑风生,频频向询问她的年龄和生活游客们挥手致意。She talks and waves to visitors, who ask her age and about her life.

目标不只是把排练晚宴弄成一个丰盛的晚餐,想想音乐、谈笑风生的烤肉和演讲,尽可能的来点舞蹈。Think music, humorous roasts and speeches, and possibly some dancing.

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之后丹仁与季菲一起回酒店休息,两人在晚饭时谈笑风生。After Dan kernel with JiFei back to the hotel, two people laughing at supper.

他在办公室忙得满头都是汗,她却在和朋友谈笑风生。He was in the office is busy profuse sweat, she is in and friends and laughing.

主人切肉,倒酒,,招待,切面包,谈笑风生,预祝健康。Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed healths.

随后的几十年里,有一群女友形成了一个核心,总是在一起谈笑风生。For the next several decades she had a core group of girlfriends she could laugh with.

他学会了打理着装,整理发型,彬彬有礼地在鸡尾酒舞会上谈笑风生。He learned to tuck his shirt in, comb his hair, and make polite cocktail conversation.

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人们谈笑风生,推杯换盏,气氛好不热闹。We talked and laughed cheerfully and toasted time and again in a very lively atmosphere.

马克和我接着还闲聊了几分钟,谈笑风生,最后才挂断电话。Mike and I shot the breeze for a few more minutes and had a good laugh before hanging up.

他们没走多远,遇见了一些妇女聚集在井边,谈笑风生。They did not go very far, and met some women gathered in Jingbian and talk to each other.

恩萧先生切着大盘的肉,女主人的谈笑风生使他们高兴起来。Mr Earnshaw carved bountiful platefuls, and the mistress made them merry with lively talk.

在咖啡馆里,你能看到一群80多岁却谈笑风生的老人,他们是当地摄影协会的骨干成员。A group of 80-year-olds chatting in one café is the backbone of the local photography club.

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谈笑风生的见面会给玩家们留下了良好的印象。Talks and laughs merrily the conference for played the families to make the good impression.

那些走过他身边的谈笑风生的人,就像以前的他一样,将健康视为理所当然。The laughing people who walked past took their health for granted, just as he used to himself.

痛过之后,擦干眼泪,在同学们面前依旧谈笑风生。After pain leads wipe stem tears, still talk smiling breeze livings at the classmates in front.