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胜负全在你手上。It's in you hands.

我们手上有一个人质!And we got a hostage!

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她的手上有鱼腥味。Her hands smelt of fish.

他手上有点儿什么。Something is on his hand.

去火点在手上。To the point in the hand.

那在她手上的是什么哪?What is that in her hand?

他想在手上刺上花纹。He wants his hand tattooed.

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手上持有幼嫩的树枝。The branch of a young tree.

血从他手上滴下来。His hand was dripping blood.

一根刺扎在了我的手上。A thorn stuck me in the hand.

把你手上的泥污洗掉。Wash the dirt off your hands.

而且手上没有任何破绽。And the hand without any flaw.

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他也在你们手上的资料里。He's on your handout list,too.

它一个星期前被交到我手上。It was given to me a week ago.

婴儿把口水滴到我手上。The baby drivelled on my hand.

他的手上扎了个刺儿。His finger was spitted a thorn.

她的手上留下了伤痕。Her hand was seamed with wounds.

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它的手上拿着一个铃鼓。It had a tambourine in its hand.

这是一门手上的艺术。Mehndi Girls It's art on a hand.

猫的舌头在我手上舐来舐去。The cat's tongue rasped my hand.