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这个称呼多么动听!How well it sounds.

我能称呼您费伊吗?May I call you Faye?

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称呼一位尊长。When we call an elder.

“咪”是称呼我自己。Me a name I call my-self.

你刚刚称呼我尼基?。Did you just call me Niki?

称呼一位尊长。When you address an elder.

你们会怎么称呼它们?Good programming practices?

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我再次这样称呼您。I'll say that one more time.

宝贝是一种亲密的称呼。Baby is a term of endearment.

我们该怎样称呼呢What are we going to call it?

用software-as-a-service称呼它。Call it software-as-a-service.

别称呼我的姓,叫我汤姆就行了。Call me Tom, don't surname me.

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不能叫大牛?你又改称呼了?Did you change you name again?

你可以用第一个音节称呼我。You can use my first syllable.

她把这个称呼看作是一种恭维。She means this as a compliment.

有些人会称呼其为受虐心态。Some would call it masochistic.

你怎么称呼爱管闲事的胡椒啊?What do you call a nosy pepper?

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你怎么称呼那个状态What do you call that position?

爱荷华同性恋者的贬义称呼。Derogatory term for a gay Iowan.

为什么我抵制这一称呼?Why do I resist the description?