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白晃晃的沙地反射出太阳的热气。The white sand reflected the sun's heat.

他们踮着脚走过了滚烫的沙地。They walked on tiptoe across the hot sand.

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水很容易渗透沙地。Water will easily permeate through the sand.

昔日的跳伞塔周边为沙地,以减缓着陆冲击。Surrounding sand slows down the landing impact.

这是揍沙地?俺也不知道。This is more exciting than a lot of you realize.

这款鞋采用沙地配色方案,呈黄褐色和棕色。It comes in a desert colour scheme of tans and browns.

在沙地里种植沙棘,可以起到固沙的作用。Planting sea buckthorn on sandy soil can solidify sand.

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于是,它们在阳光下的沙地上眨着眼睛。So they winked and they blinked in the sand in the sun.

而探测器在沙地上移动时,声音就会较小。When the sound is softer, the rover was moving on sand.

排球场。使用混凝土、草地或沙地球场。Volleyball court. Use for concrete, grass, or sand court.

研究了沙地灌木柄扁桃根系的水分共享状况。Roots water sharing of sandy shrub Prunus pedunculata Maxim.

再往上另一个斜坡,他把这皮哥特车停在一块沙地上。Up another incline and he parked the Peugeot in a sandy lot.

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沙地云杉是中国的珍稀濒危树种。Picea mongolica is an endemic and endangered species in China.

布莱顿海滩上五颜六色的更衣室排列在沙地上。Brightly colored bathing boxes line the sand at Brighton Beach.

他赶快扑倒在沙地上。这时雨点般的炮弹正在他前后左右落地开花。He fell to the sand, just as the shells exploded all around him.

太阳照耀在沙地上,海波任性地浪花四溅。The sun glistened on the sand, and the sea waves broke waywardly.

挨我们这一头,全是干净的沙地,上面罩着几株伞也似的绿荫。At our ends was clean sand with umbrella-like trees shading above.

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黄石沙地马鞭草是黄石公园湖边特有的植物。Yellowstone sand verbena are endemic to the Yellowstone's lakeshores.

接下去的几周内,右边轮胎逐渐陷落,几乎要被沙地埋没了。During the next couple of weeks, the right wheels sank, almost buried.

沙地阿拉伯作出不寻常举动令社会更宽松。Saudi Arabia makes extraordinary moves towards a more relaxed society.