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砂砾上有阳光的味道。Smell of sun on gravel.

地面平坦,铺着又细又硬的砂砾。It was le vel, and covered with fine hard gravel.

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我们在黑暗中,在松软的砂砾上不停地走啊走。We walk on and on in the dark over the loose gravel.

部分圣爱米浓产区砂砾层都平铺于石灰石土层上。In parts of Saint Emilion the gravel lies on limestone base.

但是原油和砂砾以及其他大量杂质胶合混杂在一起。But the oil is viscous and awash in sand and other impurities.

介绍了某黏土心墙砂砾石坝的安全监测成果。Safety monitoring results of a dam with clay core are presented.

他用砂砾破碎我的牙齿,用灰尘给我充饥。Vau. And he hath broken my teeth one by one, he hath fed me with ashes.

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该系统由两个筒仓构成,每个筒仓装满磨碎的岩石,例如砂砾。Its system consists of two silos filled with a pulverised rock such as gravel.

土石坝填筑采用砂砾料,振动机械碾压。The sandy gravel was filled in earth-rock dam and rolled by vibrating machine.

探矿者淘选从河床里挖出的少量含金泥沙和砂砾。The prospector panned off bits of a sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream.

办公室步行道由砂砾基层和铺设道砖构成。The pedestrian lanes from roads to offices are made of gravel sub-base and paving blocks.

他将他的手指戳进砂砾中,抓起一把沙扔过自己并大声感谢神的保佑。He dug his fingers into the sand , threw it over himself in handfuls and audibly blessed it.

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和贝尔佐尼一样,雪莱笔下的人物发现了一个巨大的半身像,半埋在狂风吹扫的砂砾之中。Like Belzoni, Shelley's character discovers a great bust, half-buried in the windswept sands.

古河谷的边缘地带,往往缺失底部的河床相砂砾层。The edge of the incised-valley lacked the sand-gravel bed of the river channel at the bottom.

上述阶地、沙嘴和湖岸堤的沉积物主要由磨圆度和分选性较好的砂或砂砾石组成。The land spit and lake terrace are formed by the sand and grit which have good polish and select.

是的,苹果产品的价格在印度的残暴,这或许可以解释您的砂砾反对。And yes, Apple products are priced atrociously in India, which might explain your grit against it.

覆以砂砾他的牙齿,当它进入血浆和火之内变形的时候,他在附近感觉他飞机的愤怒他。Gritting his teeth, he felt he fury of the craft around him as it transmuted into plasma and fire.

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详细阐述了在稳定砂砾基层中掺加固化剂的优点、固化剂的作用机理。The mechanism of hardener and advantages to add hardener in stabilized gravel base are introduced.

这些能量可以储存于两个高7米、直径7米的巨大砂砾筒仓中。That energy could be stored in two silos of gravel that are 7 metres tall and 7 metres in diameter.

牡蛎的天然床,由砂砾和碎贝壳构成,牡蛎的卵块就吸附在上面。A natural bed for oysters, consisting of gravel or crushed shells to which the oyster spawn may adhere.