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好吧,这全都归结于地球沿着轨道绕太阳公转。Well, it's all down to the Earth's orbit around the sun.

地球绕地轴自转的方向和它绕太阳公转的一样。The earth spins around on its axis as it travels around the sun.

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转动吸嘴公转是在吸煤实验中发现的。The revolution of the suction mouth is discovered in the experiment.

这颗恒星还有一颗类土星行星,每3年绕公转轨道来一圈。This star also has a Jupiter-like planet that orbits every three years.

大多数行星都是在与母星赤道一致的平面上公转。Most planets orbit in a plane that corresponds to their parent star's equator.

例如地球绕太阳公转,地球和太阳之间存在一个运行周期校园暴力电影推荐。For example, the Earth moves round the Sun, thus there is a period between them.

这颗新发现的行星在离母星很近的地方公转,每4.88天旋转一周。The newfound world orbits very close to its star, revolving once every 4.88 days.

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长达数分钟的曝光,可以抓到星星们绕着北极星旋转,就像地球公转一般。Minutes-long exposures record the stars spiraling around Polaris as the Earth rotates.

这颗行星,可能是一颗走恶运的星球,绕着它的母星快速公转快于一个地球日。This planet, possibly an ill-fated world, whips around its star in less than one Earth day.

实际上,通过测量行星和卫星的公转轨道,再运用开普勒行星运动定律,我们就可以计算出恒星的质量.Basically, we measure the orbits of the planet around the star and the moon around the planet.

地球绕著太阳公转,我愿像太阳照耀著你,当你围绕在我身旁……The earth goes around the sun, I am willing to irradiate you like the sun when you are around me.

在上面这张绘画中,一位科学艺术家想象着厄里斯和戴丝诺米娅正绕着遥远的太阳公转。In the above drawing, a scientific artist has imagined Eris and Dysnomia orbiting our distant Sun.

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研究人员于2008年用哈勃望远镜定位到这颗行星,它围绕着一颗25光年之外的恒星公转。Researchers using the Hubble Space Telescope spotted it in 2008, orbiting a star 25 light-years away.

我本来打算这样做,你可以审查任何博客,但我认为它的更好,以保持它的公转任组长。I was going to make it so you can review any blog, but I think it's better to keep it just within the group.

但是,以合适的距离围绕母星公转的类地岩石行星的行踪依然捉摸不定。Smaller, rocky planets orbiting at a comfortable distance from their stars-as the Earth does-remain more elusive.

当这颗行星运行到其公转轨道的远日点时,刚好就到达奥尔特彗星云的内缘。Perhaps when this planet is at the far end of its path around the Sun, it reaches the inner edge of the Oort cloud.

太阳距离银河系中心25000光年,每2亿5000万年完成一周绕银心公转。It orbits some 25,000 light years from the galactic core, completing a revolution once every 250 million years or so.

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地球要花费24小时完成绕地轴一周的自转,花费大约365天完成绕太阳一周的公转。It takes Earth 24 hours to complete a rotation on its axis, and roughly 365 days to complete an orbit around the sun.

开普勒望远镜是通过探测出当行星在其所公转的恒星前划过时,由恒星发出的光在数量上极小的变化来进行工作的。Kepler works by ferreting out tiny changes in the amount of light coming from a star as orbiting planets pass around.

他和Trujillo回去反复研究了这些老图片以帮助他们确定它环绕太阳公转的轨道。He and Trujillo went back and pored over the older images to help pin down the circular path it travels around the sun.