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有的人留下了吊唁卡。Some left condolence cards.

我们会吊唁和你一起共事的韶光。We'll miss doing business with you.

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我们全家去火葬场吊唁时。Our family reached the crematorium to condole on him.

我们全家去火葬场吊唁他的去世。Our family reached the crematorium to condole on him.

图斯克表示,他们已率先吊唁。Tusk said they had been the first to offer condolences.

她请求所有吊唁者都在她的葬礼上吹泡泡。She requested that all the mourners blew bubbles at her funeral.

每个吊唁的人都佩带着黑纱和一朵白纸菊花。Each mourner wore a black armband and a white paper chrysanthemum.

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难道杰克也给你送了吊唁花篮?我不需要吊唁花篮,我了解杰克·拜斯。Did Jack send you condolence flowers, too?I don't need condolence flowers, I know Jack Bass.

正在海外参加北大西洋公约组织60年纪念的奥巴马总统发表了他的吊唁。President Barack Obama, overseas for the 60th anniversary of Nato, extended his condolences.

很多人在总统府外排起了长队,等待在吊唁簿上签名。Many other people have lined up outside the Istana, where a book of condolence has been placed.

事实上,总统尼克松已经事先准备好了一场未雨绸缪的吊唁演讲。In fact, President Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly.

达涅利北京代表处、售后服务总经理、方泊九城先生将亲赴贵公司吊唁。Mr Bohr Fong, General Manager of Danieli Service, Beijing Office, will attend the Memorial Meeting.

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“总统迪米特里·梅德维德夫向索尔仁尼琴的家人表示了吊唁”,该发言人说。"President Dmitry Medvedev expressed his condolences to Solzhenitsyn's family, " a Kremlin spokesman said.

深切吊唁翁美玲。她生于1959年蒲月7日,死于1985年五月14日,长年26岁。她先走了,步入天主的王国。In Loving Memory of Barbara Yung, Born May 7,1959. Died May14.1985. Aged 26. Seek First the Kingdom of God.

治丧委员会将另行公布有关公众吊唁和李光耀先生葬礼安排的详情。Arrangements for the public to pay respects and for the funeral proceedings will be announced later, it added.

布朗先生曾经和琼斯夫人接触,为一封错误百出的吊唁信表示道歉。Mr Brown had contacted Mrs Janes to apologise about a letter of condolence which contained a series of errors.

几天后在肃穆的葬礼上,农夫站在棺材边招呼走过来吊唁的人。At the solemn funeral service a few days later, the farmer stood near the casket and greeted folks as they walked by.

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贝娅特丽克丝还对温家宝8日中午专程赴王宫吊唁她去世的父亲表示衷心感谢。Beatrix also expressed heartfelt gratitude to Wen for taking a special trip to mourn for her father at noon on the previous day.

对于您的吊唁与祝福将于日俱增,让一幕幕脉脉密意与祝福盈满,很好人一生平安!For your blessing and will miss the to date increasing, Momo scenes with deep feeling and blessing Ying, the good life of peace!

周二数千吊唁者出席被警枪杀少年的丧礼,外围有年轻人与警方发生冲突。On Tuesday youths clashed with police outside a cemetery where several thousand mourners attended the shooting victim's funeral.