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债券是正式的契据。A bond is a formal deed.

市政债券是否安全?How safe are your munis?

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这债券生息。The bond bears interest.

大公国际对这笔债券给出了AAA评级。Dagong rated the debt AAA.

我们仍把当期债券利息叫做"票息"We still call them coupons.

债券持有者们放弃了一些债务追索权。Bondholders have forgiven debts.

那意味着要发行并销售更多地长期债券。That’s a lot of T-bonds to sell.

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但是,这就是债券指数的逻辑。But that is what bond indices do.

他将债券作典质以获得存款。He put bonds in pledge for a loan.

政府债券可靠吧,回报近乎没有。Safe government bonds paid diddly.

这就是市政债券保险公司These are municipal bond insurers.

我把钱用于买债券。My money is invested in debentures.

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这些债券以低价卖出。These Bonds were sold at a premium.

流入了债券市场Well, it went into the bond market.

卖出一些通货膨胀保值债券。Sell some inflation-protected bonds.

债券发行去年刷新纪录。Bond issuance hit a record last year.

债券收益率与价格走势成反比。Bond yields move inversely to prices.

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我要卖空一单位一年期债券I'm going to short one one-period bond.

而长期债券则相对较少there are comparatively fewer of bonds.

把债券设作资产二。and we're going to call asset two bonds.