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这篇散文似乎信手拈来,但却耐人寻味。The essay seems to come in handy, but intriguing.

人家多莎士比亚的作品信手拈来。We knew this long ago, most of Shakespeare's works.

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其章法多是信手拈来,随意而成,极为简括大气。The tricks are mostly handy, free from, the atmosphere is very nutshell.

但是今天这一网络已经到位,事实上,已经信手拈来。But today that network is in place. In fact, it's already in your pocket.

在未来的杭州新东站,这样的小情调同样是信手拈来。In the future Hangzhou New East Station, it is very easy to realize such habit.

本文信手拈来十个很黄很暴力的网站,以作反例。This paper choice 10 very erotic and very violence website random for counter-examples.

歌谣有感而发,信手拈来,情真意切地表现出他们的喜怒哀乐。This spontaneous ballad gives a truthful expression to all types of the singers' feelings.

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倒是床头柜、沙发旁、厨房间等处信手拈来的书,翻得烂熟。On bedside cabinets, sofas beside, kitchen-wine extracts of the book, through a judgmental.

如此享受生活的人,他的画是随心所欲,万物都可以信手拈来,表达他的内心世界。So enjoy life, and his paintings are as they please, what can be easy to express his inner world.

信手拈来的随意之处又都充满了无限的寓意与典故,仿佛在向你述说一个古老的传说。The unlimited moral and literary quotation full of the places, just like told you a ministry of the ancient.

您可以在需要时将它们信手拈来,而不必从其他文件夹抽屉中搜索它们。You have them available at your fingertips, rather than having to search them from the other folder drawers.

对于郝亮来说,国画不过是他可以信手拈来,随意解构的美学符号。For Liang, Chinese painting has descended into an aesthetic code that he can play with and deconstruct at will.

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每一回阅读,知识都会给你的大脑充一点电,在你不经意间这些知识就会信手拈来。Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information, and you never know when it might come in handy.

中国曾经为人类文明贡献出无数发明创造,造纸、印刷和指南针只是信手拈来的几个例子。China has contributed many inventions to civilization, such as paper, printing and the compass, to mention just a few.

然后将你信手拈来的任务安排在困倦的午后,最后在喜欢的工作中结束一天。Then plan your most mindless tasks for your after-lunch slump, and finish the day off with something you actually enjoy doing.

因此,在数学宇宙那浩瀚无边的海洋里,最近几周被信手拈来脱口而出的那些数字简直就是小巫见大巫,微不足道了。So, in the great scheme of the mathematical universe, the numbers being bandied about over the last few weeks are pretty small beer.

他的小说不会采用华丽夸张的文字,都是从常生活中信手拈来的语言,这样就使他的小说显得更具有真实性。His novels will not adopt the gorgeous exaggerated words, they are from daily life the language, so that his novel is more authenticity.

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因此,那是一种有感而作的偶记,不规则,无次序,无选择,无目的,信手拈来的。It was, then, a mind which had unfolded itself there, sigh by sigh, irregularly, without order, without choice, without object, hap-hazard.

她把那些日常物品和器具变成了她个人经历的某种象征,又让这些信手拈来之物,提出这个时代背景下的文化命题。By transforming these daily wares into emblems of her personal experience, she calls into question culture in the context of this generation.

当你回头想想看,保罗•斯科尔斯曾经是名伟大的中场,他年轻的时候进球从来不在话下,头球,暴射,世界波都能信手拈来。When you look around, Paul Scholes used to be a centre midfielder and score goals regularly, bombing in, late runs, headers, great finishing.