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他信口开河地作完了他的演说。He floundered through his speech.

信口开河可真能带来麻烦。Loose lips really can cause trouble.

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她有个信口开河的坏毛病。She had a bad habit of spouting off.

对不起,我不该信口开河的。Sorry, I shouldn't have shot from the hip.

那老水手爱信口开河地讲他的航海生涯。The old sailor love to spin yarn about his life at sea.

你躺在床上,信口开河,我安慰你。You lay there on the bed, leaking, and I comforted you.

费瑞兹是一个信口开河的人,不能把机密告诉他。Fritz is loud mouth who can not be trusted with secrets.

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不要信口开河地评论他的需求是多么的愚蠢。Don't spout off at the mouth about how the story is dumb.

不要漫不经心地蹉跎光阴或信口开河。时间与话语都是收不回来的。Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved.

他总是信口开河,结果尽说些让自己事后后悔的话。He always shoots his mouth off and says things he later regrets.

他有信口开河的毛病,无意中得罪了不少人。He has a tendency to pop off, unwittingly offending many people.

他信口开河,明显表示这件事我无权发言。He spoke offhandedly, making it clear I had no say in the matter.

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她说话总是不经大脑就信口开河。She never thinks before she speaks. She just shoots from the hip.

我是如此一个信口开河的人,所以我无法向朋友和同事们保守这个消息。I’m such a blabbermouth that I couldn’t keep the news from friends and coworkers.

你听见她是怎么信口开河地说那些动物的吗,好像他们会说话一样?Did you hear the way she rambled on about the animals, pretending that they talked?

假装谦虚往往就是信口开河,有时候简直是拐弯抹角的自夸。Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.

他对撒谎不存在良心不安,为了能从别人那里得到某些东西而信口开河。He has no qualms about lying and will tell people things to get something from them”.

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一个人越是自信,我们越容易相信他,哪怕他信口开河、满嘴谎言。The more confident someone is, the more readily we believe him—even if he is deluded or deceptive.

由于当你发觉电影里的人物信口开河的竟是你能背下的句子时,那是很沉着的!When you find the movie because the characters lip Rico, you can memorize the sentence, that was very calm!

尽管他现在可以信口开河,但当真正需要扣动扳机的那一刻,他必会紧绷神经。He can talk about it all he likes, but when it comes time to actually pull the trigger, his nerves will buckle.