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一丝絮语从椅子的靠背上轻轻飘来。A little whispered word back upon the cushion of the chair.

所以,这又回到本文开始时的絮语。So, it comes back to what we talk at the beginning of this passage.

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上帝乐意听我们的琐碎絮语,我们也该为此献上感谢。The LORD finds us enough reasons for prayer, and we ought to thank Him that it is so.

他紧紧抱住她,使她呼吸都困难了,同时他哽咽着在她耳边絮语。He held her in a grip that made breathing difficult and his choking voice was in her ear.

今年是个暖冬,借柔和的风扣开你心扉,把爱的歌声絮语在你心空放飞。This is a warm winter. The tender wind opens your heart. The song of love flies to your sky.

散文素以家常味、家常美、絮语美为自己的美质定位。Prose in the mundane, taste, beauty beauty, some highlights from the mundane to their beauty.

散文把絮语体、家常体和精粹融合在一起,追求一种自持之美。Prose to comprehend, homely and pristine together, the pursuit of the beauty of a self-assured.

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徘徊在月夜的杀戮,持刀的收割者怀想着夜风的絮语。Wandering on a moonlit night of the killing, harvester knife pregnant think the night wind's whisper.

几乎每一个人的过去都流淌着一条小溪,它发源于少年时代,一路潺潺絮语而来。Nearly everybody has a creek in his or her past, a secret waterway where one spent the spring of one's youth.

鬼魅一般的夫妇穿过房子,打开窗子,寻找着他们的快乐,一边絮语着不要吵醒我们。Wandering through the house, opening the windows, whispering not to wake us, the ghostly couple seek their joy.

耳边涛声絮语,像是一个友善的巨怪小心地从高脚酒杯里汲水时发出的声音。I could hear small lapping sounds beside me, as if a kindly monster was taking discreet sips of water from a large goblet.

那么,就让我久久地聆听你一怀的絮语,心一点点潮湿起来,去为你坚守那几句美丽绝伦的诗句。Well, let me long to hear you whisper a caring heart up a little bit wet to stick it to you a few verses of exquisite beauty.

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多少个九月,我曾缓步迈向呀呀絮语的学校,将一段人生靠近一个收获的金秋。The number of September, I have to make towards babble some highlights from the school, will be a period of life near a Harvest autumn.

给自己写封信,多年后再拿出来读。这是一份美好的回忆录,而你也将对年轻时的絮语感到惊奇不已。Write a letter and read it several years from now. It'll be a nice memoir, and you may be surprised at what your younger self had to say.

静听人生絮语,轻抚岁月之痕,感受属于自己的完美空间,理想由现实而升腾,我们所营造所追求的都只是满足不一样的心灵需要。Listening to incessant speeches quietly , touch the years gently , perhaps what you create and pursue is just to satisfy your mental demands.

河边浅水处刚绽叶的芦苇飒啦啦摇响,与春风缠绵絮语,像是低吟着一首朦胧的情诗。The river in shallow water just Zhan Sha La La shake the leaves of the reed sound, and spring lingering whisper, like crooning with a hazy poems.

亦是那明月十二楼曲高和寡的孤独和寂寞吧!箫声涉水而来的时候流年暗掩,满腔柔情如蝶絮语,在指尖起舞飞扬。The twelve floor is also the highbrow and loneliness! Sound Wade comes during the dark mask, full of tenderness, such as butterfly, on the fingertips to dance.

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佛卢姆河的流水却是清澈的,就像那位福音教徒看见的那条生命河一样纯净,流得也快,就像一片浮云的阴影,流过铺满卵石的浅滩,还整天对着天空喃喃絮语。The Froom waters were clear as the pure River of Life shown to the Evangelist, rapid as the shadow of a cloud, with pebbly shallows that prattled to the sky all day long.

这一晚,我一直无法入睡,忽然听见隔壁房间传来低低低的絮语,是母亲的声音,听声音是在为我打理着我去天津的事情。This one night, I have been unable to sleep, suddenly heard from the next room low low letters, is mother's voice, listen to the voice is in for me with me to tianjin things.

有了它这坚密、实用的一堆火,在它前面的人可以坐下,可以安寝,不必怕黑暗中显现游魂厉鬼,古树的火光闪闪地和我们絮语。By whose compact utilitarian heap The present may sit down and go to sleep, Nor fear the ghosts who from the dim past walked, And with us by the unequal light of the old wood fire talked.