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我的民族标准语是汉语。My native language is Dhinese.

我的民族标准语是汉语。My native language is Chellonese.

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你的民族标准语是英语吗?。are you a native speaker of english?

为了便于沟通,我们大家要学好标准语。We should learn the standard speech to better communicate.

我想要和别人交谈,用她们的民族标准语。I want to talk with people when they are using their mother tongue.

许多国家的标准语也都指定为该国家的国语或官方语言。The standard language of many countries is also designated as the national or official language.

在人们使用不同于标准语的词语时,就被称为是“方言”。When people use words and expressions different from "standard language", it is called a dialect.

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突出与常规是相对而言的,尤其是在标准语言和诗学语言之间。Foregrounding and conventionalization are relative, especially between standard language and poetic language.

在许多国家,标准语都是用以衡量所有其他语言变体的尺度。In most countries, the standard language serves as a standard according to which all other varieties are measured.

从1870年以来,罗马方言已经取得了相当的地位,但仍然比不上弗罗伦萨标准语的声誉。Since 1870 the dialect of Rome has gained considerable prestige but it has still failed to eclipse the Florentine standard.

在运用民族标准语撰著时,咱们基本上不消花很多时间和精神去考虑语言,故而咱们的重点是放在内部实质意义上。When writing in our mother tongue, we spend almost no time in considering language, so our attention is mainly on contents.

最后需要提到的是,“标准语”、“俗语”和“俚语”这些术语只是对研究语言的专家才有用的抽象标签。Finally, , it is worth noting that the terms "standard" "colloquial" and "slang" exist only as abstract labels for scholars who study language.

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但在日本推行的标准语教育的背景下,冲绳方言被不断地同化,并形成了独具地方特色的“冲绳日语”。However, with the urge of standard Japanese education in Okinawa, the dialect has been assimilated gradually, and formed its unique local "Okinawan Japanese".

有些国家的标准语是本国政治或文化中心的受教育的人所说的那种话,如法语的标准语以受教育的巴黎人的法语为基础。Sometimes it is the educated variety spoken in the political or cultural centre of a country, e. g. the standard variety of French is based on educated Parisian French.

SCOR是一个为供应链伙伴之间有效沟通而设计的流程参考模型,是一个帮助管理者聚焦管理问题的标准语言。SCOR is a process reference model designed for effective communication between supply chain partners. It is a standard language for managers to focus on management issues.

通过分析标准语与非标准语的区别,诗歌与小说的语言意识,史诗与长篇小说的价值世界,巴赫金建立起了他的文体基本理论。By the analysis of normal and abnormal language, the poetry's and novel's language sense , and by the study of epic's and long novel's world, Bakhtin forms his style theory.

第一、模拟。提高口语能力的第一步就是模拟糊口里的情节,模拟以英语为民族标准语的人的语音以及语调。First, the simulation. The first step to improving spoken English ability is the family plot, the simulated using English as the national language simulation of speech and of tone.

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经过不断的传播,英语如今已然是世界上第二大使用最广的语言,许多语言学家都一致同意,英语实际上已经成为了世界的标准语言。The English language, which it spread, isthe second most-widely spoken language in the world today, and many linguisticsagree that English is the defacto standard language of the world.

SDL是CCITT推荐的用于描述实时系统软件的功能和行为规范的标准语言。它可以用于软件生命周期模型中的许多阶段。SDL recommendated by CCITT is an international standard language which is used in the function and behaviour specifications of real-time system software in several phases of software life-cycle.