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这里不再有秘密。No more secrets here!

墓碑上的秘密。Secrets on gravestones.

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他泄漏了朋友的秘密。He narked on his friend.

可是为什么要这样秘密?But why all this secrecy?

你能守住秘密吗?Could you keep a secrete?

泄露国家秘密的。He divulges state secrets.

他誓守秘密。He was pledged to secrecy.

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这个计划是个秘密。This project is hush-hush.

马丁在闲谈中泄露了自己的秘密。Martin tattled his secrets.

对准元首的脸。这是我的秘密哟!Right in the Fuhrer's face.

陈景润就是秘密搞的。Chen Jingrun is one of them.

他想知道不死的秘密。He wants to learn his secret.

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家人催他赶紧把秘密说出来。His family urges him to go on.

我们向那条河倾诉我们的秘密。We tell river all our secrets.

让不满成为你的秘密吧。Let the discontents be secrets.

有人把秘密泄露出去了,。Some has disclosed the sec ret.

你知道彼得和他的秘密。You know Peter and his secrets.

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大海包藏着许多秘密。The sea contains many mysteries.

我最恨秘密了。I hate secrets more than anything.

列位看官,它,守卫着一些别的秘密。Reader, it guarded something else.