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现如今还不如没有呢。Now there might as well not be.

现如今这还存在么?They get dividends--does it work now?

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“现如今,那确实是个问题,”费德说道。"Now, that's a real problem, " Feder said.

但现如今,苹果已征服了音乐界。But today, it's Apple that conquered music.

现如今,土卫六是土星的唯一一颗大型卫星。Today, Saturn's only massive moon is Titan.

首先,我认为现如今的股价是便宜的。First, I believe that stocks today are cheap.

现如今,甚至连过世的总统们都要整容了。These days even dead Presidents get facelifts.

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谁是现如今NBA中最好的大前锋?Who's the best power forward in the NBA today?

现如今我们的地球上,究竟是谁在肏这个世界呢?Who the hell is fucking the world now? Damn it!

现如今,美联储处境困难。Right now the Fed is in a difficult situation.

而且,现如今日本的经济状况已远不如从前。And Japan today is in far worse shape to cope with it.

b这就是现如今中国人对待外国朋友的方式。That is how chinese people treat foreign friends nows.

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现如今你几乎能在英特网上做任何事。You can do almost anything on the Internet these days.

现如今,红宝石也可在实验室被人工合成。Today rubies are also created synthetically in the lab.

现如今剩下的几家拥有大型航空网络的航空公司成了抢手货。Now there are few big network airlines left to be nabbed.

现如今,控制并不管用—让人们自由吧。Controlling doesn't work these days -- let people be free.

在现如今的生活中,热线是很普遍的,你这么认为吗?Hotlines are very common in today's life, do you think so?

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现如今,这所学校拥有121名学生,其中只有22人是在美国出生的。Today, Canyonville has 121 students, only 22 of them U. S.

现如今,我们观看了纪念日和庆典,we’Today, you know, ve just seen memorial days, celebrations.

现如今,我们生活的每个角落都充斥着广告。Every nook of our lives is filled with advertising these days.