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他和她用连枷摔打水稻脱粒,摔打完后再扬场。They beat it out with flails, he and the woman together.

我们并不清楚其他任何鸟类种群是否将身体充当连枷。We don't know of any other species that uses its body like a flail.

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目的探讨创伤性连枷胸的治疗经验。Objective To discuss the surgical experience of traumatic flail chest.

结论创伤性连枷胸应采取综合治疗措施。Conclusion Integrative therapy should be taken for traumatic flail chest.

目的总结13例胸骨骨折和连枷胸患者的外科治疗经验。Objective To review the surgery experiences in 13 cases with sternum fracture and flail chest.

行动是在底部的一种凶猛和连枷的武器用以获得平衡并保持漂浮。Action is at bottom a swinging and flailing of the arms to regain one's balance and keep afloat.

目的探讨创伤性连枷胸的抢救与治疗方法,提高治愈率。Objective To investigate the treatment of the traumatic flail chest and to raise the recovery rate.

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作为连枷胸的重要方法,手术固定已得到广泛的接受和倡导。As an important method for treatment of flail chest, operative stabilization has been accepted and advocated extensively.

结论临床处理连枷胸对反常呼吸运动和肺挫伤,应区别对待,有所侧重。Conclusion In patients with flail chest, abnormal breathing and lung contusion should be managed differently and individually.

一个天使,这鲁莽的航行者,对丑的热爱引诱着他,他在一个无边的噩梦深处,像游泳者挥动连枷般的双臂。An Angel, imprudent voyager Tempted by love of the deformed, In the depths of a vast nightmare Flailing his arms like a swimmer.

仔细观察前胸及后背部,鉴别是否有开放性气胸或连枷胸等情况。Visual evaluation of the chest, both anterior and posterior, identifies such conditions as open pneumothorax and large flail segments.

甚至通往大楼外层关卡的街上,也少不了粗鲁凶恶的警卫来往巡逻,穿着黑制服,装备着连枷警棍。Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons.

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目的强调机械通气在连枷胸伴原发性脑干伤救治中的重要性。Objective To emphasize the great role of mechanical ventilation in the emergency management of flail chest and primary brain stem injury.

巨人敏捷的挥舞着它那吓人的武器,熟练的甩动着粗糙的连枷,砸碎了旁边的两棵树。With one swift swing of its intimidating weapon, the Giant splintered two nearby trees, whipping the improvised flail about with practiced control.

损伤可以对通气造成严重损伤,导致张力性气胸以及由肺挫伤、大量血胸和开放性气胸造成的连枷胸。Injuries that may acutely impair ventilation are tension pneumothorax, flail chest with pulmonary contusion, massive hemothorax, and open pneumothorax.

结论在创伤性连枷胸中,肺挫伤和反常呼吸运动是引起呼吸功能障碍的重要原因。Conclusion Pulmonary contusion and paradoxical respiratory movement are the important causes resulting in respiratory dysfunction of traumatic flail chest.

结论在创伤性连枷胸患者中,肺挫伤和反常呼吸运动是引起呼吸和循环功能障碍的重要原因。Conclusion Pulmonary contusion and paradoxical respiratory movement were the important causes resulting in respiratory dysfunction of traumatic flail chest.

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目的回顾总结3例连枷臂综合征患者的临床、电生理和骨骼肌病理改变的特点,并分析此类患者的护理策略。Objective To review the electrophysiological and pathological changes in 3 cases with flail arm syndrome and discuss the characteristic features and nursing care.

丹尼洛默不作声地疾驰,左手中持着一柄拔出的短剑,像用连枷打谷似的用那条短柄长鞭抽打着栗色大马的收缩进去的两肋。Danilo galloped up in silence, holding a drawn dagger in his left hand, and thrashing the heaving sides of his chestnut horse with his riding whip, as though it were a flail.

目的探讨机械通气联合肋骨环抱器内固定治疗连枷胸伴呼吸衰竭的疗效。Objective To investigate the medical effection of treating flail chest with respiratory failure with the internal fixation of mechanical ventilation combined with ribs embracing fixator.