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现在就开始返老还童吧。Now, go forth and rejuvenate.

你不可能返老还童的,那段时光已经过去了。That time of your life has past.

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敬祝这些长者们返老还童,永远年轻。Wish the elderly rejuvenation and youth forever.

在一个返老还童的名字下,我们还处于这个古老的一时迷梦之中吗?Are we in midst of an old fad under a rejuvenated name?

难道我就这么奇迹般地返老还童,不能再合法买啤酒了?Would I then be, miraculously, too young to buy beer legally?

事实上这是一种中国古代道家养生术内倒转河车,返老还童之方法。Actually it is a way of reviviscence by ancient Chinese Dow hermits.

到底怎么回事,老兵们难道都找到了返老还童的灵泉?So what is going on, have the "oldsters" found the fountain of youth?

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他试图每天进行体育锻炼以使自己返老还童。He tried to rejuvenate himself by performing physical exercises each day.

为什么小鼠健壮返老还童是治愈人类老化的最快路线?Why is robust mouse rejuvenation the quickest route to curing human aging?

科学家已经研制出一种凝胶,可以帮助蛀牙在几周内‘返老还童’,这可能意味着补牙的时代行将终结。A gel that can help decayed teeth grow back in just weeks may mean an end to fillings.

祂用美物使你所愿的得以知足,以致你如鹰返老还童。Who satis es your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

任何“有违常规”的事儿对我们的精神来说都是好的,让我们得以“返老还童”。And any break in the routine is good for the spirit, providing you with the chance to rejuvenate.

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他在顷刻之间返老还童,回到了他曾经就读的高中,多年前他曾是这里的篮球对明星。He rejuvenated in a fleeting time and came back to his high school where he used to be a basketball star.

梅奥诊所的科学家们有可能偶然发现了一种减缓衰老过程的方法,虽然它还不能让你返老还童。It's not quite the fountain of youth, but Mayo Clinic scientists may have hit upon a way to slow the aging process.

新兴的人类得了关节炎和心肌炎。他们是否会衰老还是返老还童,这是个问题。Some renascent mortal got arthritis and myocarditis, and whether they will be senescence or juvenescence is a question.

一个内外更加平衡和均等的能量交换正是我们所有人追寻的自然的返老还童的目标。A more balanced and equal exchange of energy in and out is what we are all aiming for to rejuvenate ourselves naturally.

这项发现可能与一些以为生长激素有助于“返老还童”而服用它的中老年人所认识的恰恰相反。The finding may be counter-intuitive to some older adults who take growth hormone, thinking it will help revitalize them.

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可有大量暗示性包括“返老还童”,时间感丧失、夸大妄想及丰富的视幻觉。Can much suggestion sex includes " rejuvenescent " , time feeling is lost, exaggerated covet and inspect richly psychedelic.

这同样允许你们实际上控制老化过程,因为你们可以使用恢复胸腺去让你们自己返老还童。This also permits you to actually control the aging process, because you can use the restored thymus to rejuvenate yourselves.

为了保障我省能源安全,应当采用有效勘探方法,方能使它们“返老还童”。For the provincial safeguard of energy sources effective exploration methods should be adopted to make the coalmines rejuvenated.