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我为不可名状的恐慌所控制。I was seized by a nameless horror.

史坦利觉得心头涌起一股不可名状的忧虑。Stanley felt a nameless anxiety rising in him.

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风景就是对面街那不可名状的建筑物。The view is of the nondescript building across the street.

他们向北行,心头仿佛袭来一缕不可名状的落寞之感。They walked northward with a curious feeling of disappointment.

刹那之间又是那个不可名状的黑影,一闪而过,那究竟是个什么影子呢?What was the nameless shadow which again in that one instant had passed?

倘若娜塔丽这时是神志清醒的,那么这一切就会令人作呕,不可名状的。Odious and unspeakable as all this would be if she were sane and conscious.

生命本该在激流湍石中走过,才构筑出许多不可名状的美好。Life in the turbulent rapids traversed in stone, many indescribable to build the beautiful.

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余下者不可名状,因它没有属性且超越意识。That which cannot be given name and form, for it is without quality and beyond consciousness.

岛上还有许多奇怪的原始植物,仿佛有不可名状的生命力。There still are a lot of strange original plants on the island, as if have indescribable vitality.

他精巧的最弱音,总是变化着的音调和节奏,有着不可名状的效果。His delicate pianissimo, the ever-changing modifications of tone and time were of indescribable effect.

当我意识到我的生活从此之后便是这个模样,我就产生一种不可名状的恐惧。No words can describe the horror I felt, when I realized what my life was going to be like from now on.

一个平常的日子,打开抽屉,翻看自己以前的照片和文章,有种不可名状的情愫。On a normal day, open the drawer, look at their photos and articles before, in one indescribable sincerity.

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天顶出现了一道兰色的闪电,它以一种不可名状的方式闪烁不定地落到了垛棍顶端的附近。A blue light appeared in the zenith, and in some indescribable manner flickered down near the top of the rod.

这些毫无心智的血肉魔畜由麦迪文引入这个世界,来自于某个不可名状的空间深处。The mindless fleshbeasts were brought into this world by Medivh, summoned from some unspeakable place beyond.

但是这种冷酷,可怕的公式方法评估两个人的“兼容性”,却无法获得牵动浪漫情缘不可名状的火花。But this cold, drearily functional approach to assessing compatibility fails to capture the indefinable spark that triggers romance.

而在另一项实验中,参与者把这些语句分别保存在以“事实”“数据”“信息”等不可名状的名字命名的文件夹中。In another experiment, participants typed thestatements and saved them to folders with nondescript names, such as “facts,’’“data,’’ and “info.

而在另一项实验中,参与者把这些语句分别保存在以“事实”“数据”“信息”等不可名状的名字命名的文件夹中。In another experiment, participants typed thestatements and saved them to folders with nondescript names, such as “facts, ’’“data, ’’ and “info.

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尚比埃·里奥扮演的安坦·但奴带有一种悲怆的冷漠,好像他的内心在影片开始前就遭受了不可名状的伤害。Antoine Doinel was played by Jean-Pierre Leaud, who has a kind of solemn detachment, as if his heart had suffered obscure wounds long before the film began.

叙述者把注意的焦点很少放在想要说明的问题上,而是更多地放在不可名状的事件发生时,他们自己内心的活动上来。When an indescribable incident was happening, the narrators focused more attention on their heartfelt behaviour but less attention on the problems to be explained by them.

今天下午和您道别时,他对您的友谊,真可说是感激得不可名状。When we said goodbye to you this afternoon, he could not find words adequately expressive to convey his emotions and feelings, nor to thank you sufficiently for your friendship.