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连畜棚都井然有序。Even the barn was shipshape.

军队井然有序地撤退。The troops retired in good order.

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列表能使一切井然有序、便于管理。Making lists can create order and control.

这个短语代表井然有序,条理分明。It means in perfect order, very well organized.

玉帝的规则是井然有序,不会反复无常的。The Jade Emperor's rule is orderly and without caprice.

条理性就是井然有序,生活和谐。Orderliness is being neat and living with a sense of harmony.

但是火车仍然在运行,民众自觉排成长队等待登车,一切井然有序。But the trains were running, and the queue for them was orderly.

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我不再留意印度的新鲜,古老以及井然有序。I stopped noticing India’s newness, oldness and juxtapositioned-ness.

楼内住有六户人家,家居紧凑,井然有序。There are six households inhabiting in the building, compact and orderly.

你只去享受这些就能把家里一切事务管理得井然有序?By just enjoying this, you ran your family and everything went along well?

国际观察员称赞选举井然有序、组织良好。International observers praised the elections as orderly and well organized.

我一直保持房间井然有序,院子也是修得井井有条的。I've been keeping my room as neat as a pin, and the yard is always ship-shape.

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当时的我,感觉天要塌似的,井然有序的生活一下子全乱了。Then I feel like the sky is falling, orderly life of a sudden the whole trouble.

看上去一切都井然有序,但我想肯定有很多年没有客人来入住了。Everything's ready to go, but I don't think any guests have checked in for years.

他威严,他的生活井然有序,他的袖扣总是那么有品位。He was courtly, his life lived in well-oiled sequences, his cufflinks always tasteful.

有些报道说一个清晰的、井然有序的站点地图会帮助搜索引擎索引他们所有的页面。Some report that a clear, well-structured Sitemap helped get all of their pages indexed.

上周五记者采访了一些学生,受访的学生都表示集训营中又恢复了井然有序的平静生活。Interviews with students on Friday seemed to confirm that order and calm had been restored.

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华欣镇中心可通过井然有序的交通轻松抵达,只需25分钟。The heart of Hua Hin town is easily accessible by courtesy transport and takes only 25 minutes.

警察们井然有序地走向尸体,确保案发现场不被破坏。The officers moved methodically toward the body, making sure they did not disturb the crime scene.

我透过门看去,屋里的东西都井然有序地摆放着,我能听到那钟的滴答声。I looked through the door, everything looked the way it always did, I could hear the clock ticking.