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他的衣服掩饰了他的身分。Hiss clothes belie his station.

她以假身分作掩护。She hid behind a false identity.

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身分识别模型为宣告架构的系统。Identity Model is a claims-based system.

别降低身分为这事去跟她争吵。Don't stoop to quarrel with her about it.

申请者具有侨生身分。The applicant has overseas Chinese status.

我以一名随军观战人员的身分,试图到尽可能靠近前线的地方去。I tried to get as close as possible to the front.

他们希望奥巴马以总统身分支持这项法案.They want Obama to back the bill now as president.

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香港特区以准成员身分参与世界旅游组织的活动。HKSAR participates as an Associate Member in UNWTO.

干这种事与他的身分极不相称。It is utterly unbecoming of him to do such a thing.

继续我的虚拟品牌社区会员身分。Continue my membership in the on-line brand community.

牌照持有人及准受让人的身分证明文件。Proof of identity of both the licensee and transferee.

如果你是自营商的身分有时候可以少付些税金。Sometimes you pay fewer taxes if you're self-employed.

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你最好不要做这些和你身分不符的事情。You shouldn't do things that do not befit your status.

人往往将自我的身分建立在他们的短处上。People often build their identity around their defects.

不久之后,胡志明以墨思科秘密特使的身分游走世界各地。Soon Ho was roaming the earth as a covert agent for Moscow.

什么赋予它身分,且历经时间的考验?What gives it its identity and ? enduring existence over time?

那个新闻工作者不须透枚消息提供伤的身分。The journalist not want to reveal the identity of his informant.

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警方将钻石开列清单登录,并确认奥斯坦的身分。Police inventoried the diamonds and confirmed Austein's identity.

伟义兄为沧洲五鬼所杀,伟为了方便调查而一直隐藏身分。For the convenience of investigation, Wai hides his real identity.

只须登记在本地公司的受薪董事身分。Only remunerated directorships of local companies are registrable.