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它是怎么编写的呢What was it?

我编写代码。I write code.

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应该由谁编写?Who should write them?

编写一个单精度浮点数。Writes a Unique Id value.

编写代码以使测试通过。Write code to make it pass.

讲授如何编写干净代码。Teach how to write clean code.

我该怎样编写可性能调优的软件呢?How do I make software tunable?

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第一只直立行走的猴子,后来与汤姆.布罗考和亚伯拉罕.林肯一起编写年鉴的人。Tom Brokaw and Abraham Lincoln.

他编写了这部战争史。He wrote the chronicle of China.

见”编写可重入函数“。See Making a Function Reentrant.

编写使用案例叙述,过于简洁。Write the use cases too tersely.

话说得已经够多了,现在要开始编写代码了。Enough talk -- it's time to code.

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写小说、谱交响乐曲、编写法律?Write books or symphonies or laws?

编写访问控制策略。Writing the access control policy.

我需要在HTML编写的网站。I need the website written in HTML.

用VB编写的一个游戏用的地图编辑器。VB prepared with a game map editor.

编写一个单精度浮点数。Writes a single simple-typed value.

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我就在编写这份报告的委员会。I was on the committee that wrote it.

它还为您编写了行结束符。It also writes a line ending for you.

你们能够为我们所有人编写程序。You can write the code for all of us.