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朝我所向往的化蛹前进。Look at me the pupa forward.

这有如飞蛾向往星天。The desire of the moth for star.

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他真是太向往她了!How his heart yearned toward her!

他向往那种澹泊宁静的生活。He dreams a simple, and quiet life.

这是灯蛾对星光的向往。The desire of the moth for the star.

羕所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上。All eyes are on the longing of his body.

诸艺造妙皆向往于音乐之空灵澹荡。All Arts aspire to the condition of music.

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想想它也是非常的豪华,令我向往,有它的照片吗?I long for, there are pictures of it here?

想你,就像叶落大地般向往!Like you, like the earth-like longing Yela!

社交舞会是每个女孩子向往的。A debutante ball is all a girl could ask for.

这位得奖者,将有一个非常让人向往假期,就是919。The winner, This Magnificent Holiday, is 919.

为什么阿采尔如此向往去天堂呢?Why does Atzel want to go to paradise so much?

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但是,朋友,我一心向往文明人的饮食。But, mate, my heart is sore for Christian diet.

在旧金山湾区有很多令人向往的公司,There's a lot of cool companies in the Bay Area,

这个小男孩特别向往警营的生活。This little boy dreams of being a police officer.

一个内心向往自然的祈祷者,却被关在笼中。A prayer for the wild at the heart, kept in cages.

我们向往爱,因为我们不想要憎恨。We work towards love because we don't want hatred.

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我是一个开朗、向往自由的人。I'm a open and bright , yearns for the free person.

摘上安杰家的的传家戒指,我启初向往与安杰的婚礼。Wearing the ring, I began anticipating the wedding.

你会为了一次向往的旅行放下手边的工作,学习吗?Will you dropt your work or study just for a journey?