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长江江豚的灭亡将会是生态系统遭受破坏的一个标志。The finless porpoise is an icon of an ecosystem under siege.

这使得五头江豚几近窒息,其中包括三头怀孕的雌性江豚。Five porpoises asphyxiated, including three pregnant females.

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若干补救措施可能能够防止长江江豚重复白鳍豚相同的命运。Several measures may avert a similar fate for the Yangtze porpoise.

如果不采取紧急措施,中国特有物种江豚很可能步白暨豚的后尘。Without urgent protection, China's finless porpoise may soon go the way of the Baiji.

江豚喜欢生活在长江这种较为温暖,黑暗的水中。The finless porpoise prefer to live in shallow, warm waters like those of theYangtze River.

“如果湖面的冰冻持续地更久一点的话,所有的江豚都将死去,”水生生物研究所的郝玉江说。"If the ice had lasted much longer, all the porpoises would have died," says IHB's Hao Yujiang.

“如果湖面的冰冻持续地更久一点的话,所有的江豚都将死去,”水生生物研究所的郝玉江说。"If the ice had lasted much longer, all the porpoises would have died, " says IHB's Hao Yujiang.

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上世纪50年代以来,长江的鱼类资源已经开始骤降,这可能限制了江豚的复苏,达吉恩说。Yangtze fish stocks have plunged since the 1950s, possibly limiting the porpoise's recovery, says Dudgeon.

研究了江豚潜水时间、游泳速度和发声的昼夜节律。Diel variations in diving duration, swimming speed and sonar emission rate were analyzed for the porpoises.

白鳍豚,古老的鲟鱼和江豚都生活在长江中。The baiji dolphin, the ancient river sturgeon and the finless porpoise depend on the Yangtze fortheir survival.

有一些江豚在位于中国中部湖北省的长江天鹅洲白鳍豚国家级自然保护区内进行人工饲养。Some havebeen bred in captivity at the Tian'ezhou White-Flag Dolphin National Nature Reserve in central China's Hubei Province.

压力对江豚人口鄱阳湖来自大量的船只通过,沙疏浚。Pressure on the finless porpoise population on Poyang Lake comes from the high numbers of ships passing through and sand dredging.

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这种过于短暂的流通抑制了鱼类产卵,郝玉江说,所以研究人员必须在天鹅洲保护区储备足够的鱼,以喂养长江江豚。A too-brief connection suppresses fish spawning, says Hao, so researchers must stock Tian-E-Zhou with fish for the porpoises to eat.

想到江豚的微笑,想到公益广告里的江豚的呼吁,我的心被揪到了一起,喘不过气来!Thought tof finless porpoise smile, think of the finless porpoise in the public service ads appeal, my heart was pulled together, out of breath!

长江江豚随着水位的变化,其分布范围、数量和活动规律也随之而变化。With the change of water level of lakes, the distribution area, population size and active regularities of finless porpoise va ried accordingly.

本底调查和试养江豚的结果表明,长江天鹅洲故道是建立白豚半自然保护区的理想场所。After about two years'observation and monitoring, our results indicated that the oxbow is ideal as a semi-natural habitat for the fin-less porpoises.

我的书籍也有助于教导他们关于自然的知识,同时我相信我们可以在美国通过联合流域治理的项目来保护江豚。My books also help educate them about nature and I believe we can find ways to protect the Finless Porpoise by partnering with projects in the United States.

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据中国科学院水生生物研究所所做的调查,长江江豚的数目在1991年是2700条左右。According to surveys done by the Hydrobiology Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the population of the Yangtze finless porpoise was about 2,700 in 1991.

至今,人们对江豚的了解甚少。2010年进行的基因组测试表明,长江江豚的基因与居住在中国南部流域和黄河的江豚完全不一样。conducted in 2010 revealed the Yangtze population to be genetically different from other finless porpoises that live in coastal waters of the South China and Yellow seas.

本研究的结果对开展长江江豚繁殖研究和改进江豚生态学观察方法具有参考价值。Results of the present study could be considered as references of reproduction researches and improvement of ecological observation methods of the Yangtze finless porpoise.