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施恩比受惠更有福气。To give is more blessed than to receive.

玉米的引进使我们受惠不少。The introduction of corn benefits us a lot.

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我们受惠于DX11的计算大部分功能。We benefit most from the DX11 Compute features.

其中一种受惠的货币是韩圜。One currency in particular that will benefit is KRW.

在这种情况下,无论你和屋主受惠。In this situation , both you and the homeowner benefit.

其中,坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚为主要受惠国。Among them, Tanzania and Kenya as the main beneficiaries.

,这样其他人就可以受惠于你的经验。" – so others following can benefit from your experience.

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事实上,随着中国日趋繁荣,香港亦会受惠。Indeed, as China prospers, Hong Kong will benefit as well.

舞台较人生受惠于恋爱者为多。The stage is more beholding to love, than the life of man.

波兰还是欧盟资金最大的受惠国。It has also been the single largest beneficiary of EU funds.

受惠最多的是未婚者和子女不在身边的人。The people who benefited the most were singles and empty-nesters.

无论是施惠的,或是受惠的,都同蒙主赐的祝福。The person who gives and the person who receives will be blessed.

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本人愿意捐款支持传理奖学金,让学弟妹受惠。I would like to make a donation for the communication scholarship.

受惠最多的是未婚者和子女不在身边的人。The people who benefited the most were singles and empty- nesters.

受惠国中也包括了中国和俄国。Those countries which benefitted from this include Chinaand Russia.

当他身处能源部的时候,这些领袖能力也将使他受惠无穷。These are leadership skills that will serve him well as Energy Secretary.

航空公司和乘客受惠于提高安全性和效率。Airlines and passengers benefitted from the increased safety and efficiency.

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他不自觉地打击了使他受惠的革命。He strikes, without knowing it, the bosom of the revolution, his benefactress.

假如你路过查令十字路84号,替我吻一吻它。我受惠于它甚多。If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe it so much.

截至一九九八年十二月,共有3814个家庭受惠。Up to December 1998, 3814 families had benefited from the Rent Assistance Scheme.