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表情和头像的支持。Smileys and avatars support.

我喜欢你的新头像图片。I love your new avatar picture.

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你的头像换了,好帅啊!Your avatar changed, so handsome ah!

他的头像被印在20美元上面。His picture is on the 20-dollar bill.

在记分牌加头像的图像。Added avatar images to the scoreboards.

抛到头像的是一个群体。Everyone who has heads, you're one group.

他在速写簿上画出了男孩头像素描。He sketched a boy's head on the sketchpad.

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各种杂志的封面都有她的头像。Her face was on the cover of every magzine.

选择不加载职位头像图片。Option to not load avatar pictures in posts.

将生成的图片设置为您的头像。Set the picture become your profile picture.

很多人都穿着印有切·格瓦拉头像的T恤。Many of them were dudes in Che Guevara T-shirts.

头像被评为2009年最佳剧情片。Avatar was named as the best dramatic film of 2009.

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这幅素描是描绘一名老翁的石膏头像。This sketch describes an old man's gypsum head statue.

但人们的确倾向于修饰自己的头像。But people do tend to embellish their avatars somewhat.

该头像属于神殿正面的一尊巨像。The figure belongs to one of the colossi of the facade.

使发送的邮件附加上您的头像图片。Attach a small picture of your face to outgoing messages.

这两张头像让我们对这两个人了解的多了些。Both of those profiles tell us a bit more about those two.

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蓦然,一个暗灰已久的头像,似海中的灯塔,闪亮无比。Suddenly, a dark long head, like the sea lighthouse, shine.

一美元钞票上印的是乔治·华盛顿的头像。The picture of George Washington is on the one-dollar bill.

如果你的头像正常,你可以在你的个人详情页面看到。If everything is allright you'll see it in your details page.