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它展示出一条海蛇!It shows a Serpent!

六条病的海蛇游泳七海。Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.

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海蛇一般都有剧毒。Sea snakes generally possess very toxic venoms.

海蛇也运用类似的脱盐机制。Marine snakes use a similar desalting mechanism.

鳗鱼是巨环海蛇最喜爱的食物。Eels are some of the favorite foods of the banded sea krait.

每条海蛇大约产生750千瓦的清洁电力。Each snake produces about 750 kilowatts of clean electricity.

它就像一条深海蛇龙从某个童话故事中而来。It looked like a giant sea serpent from some mythological fairytale.

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第二种是无角的海龙,有时候相仿于一条大海蛇。The second kind is a hornlessoceandragon, sometimes equated with a sea serpent.

这个海星是海百合,海胆,海参还有海蛇尾星的表亲。A seastar, a cousin of the crinoids, sand dollars, sea cucumbers and brittle stars.

我还发现海蛇的长度,无价的价值,和河马的平方值。I found the length of a sea snake, the value of invaluable, and the square of a hippo.

然而现在已经发现,有一部分鳗鱼已经体现出了对巨环海蛇毒液的明显抗性。Some eels, however, have been observed to be remarkably resistant to the sea krait’s venom.

雕塑显示了特洛伊祭司拉奥孔和他的儿子被撞死,海蛇死刑。The sculpture shows the Trojan priest Laocoon and his sons being crushed to death by sea snakes.

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利维坦出现的形式是一个庞大的海蛇有七头,是男用和女用。Leviathan appears in the form of a huge sea serpent with seven heads and is both male and female.

主要有鱼干、干鱿、贝类、海参、虾仁、海蛇干以及琼脂等。Dried fish, dried squid, shells, sea cucumbers, shelled shrimp, dried sea snake, agar, and others.

雕像展现了特洛伊的牧师拉奥孔和他的儿子们被海蛇缠住勒死的情景。Thestatuesculpture shows the Trojanpriest Laocoon and his sons being crushed to death by sea snakes.

欧洲已经建立了海浪能发电厂,使用漂浮的海蛇海浪能转换器进行发电。Wave farms have been created and are in use in Europe, using floating Pelamis Wave Energy converters.

类似贻贝、海蛇尾和海胆这样生活在海底的生物尚未演化出任何防御能力。Bottom-dwelling creatures like mussels, brittle stars and sea urchins have not developed any defenses.

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周日,李克强副总理参观了位于苏格兰利斯港口的“海蛇”海浪能转换装置项目。On Sunday, Vice-Premier Li visited the Pelamis wave energy converter project at Leith Port in Scotland.

这座雕塑表现的是特洛伊祭司拉奥孔和他的儿子们被海蛇缠住勒死的场景。The sculpture shows the Trojan priest Laocoon and his sons being crashed crushed to death by sea snakes.

结论发酵对海蛇的生药学特征影响不大,采用发酵去除海蛇腥味具有一定的可行性。Conclusion Fermentation can slightly affect sea snakes. It is feasible to deodorize sea snake by fermentation.