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美国生产马海毛最顶尖的州是德克萨斯州。America's top producing state is Texas.

文章利用等离子体对马海毛纤维进行处理。In this paper, the mohair fiber is processed by plasma.

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错,安哥拉呢来自兔子,安哥拉山羊生产出的是马海毛。No, angora fiber comes from rabbits. Angora goats produce mohair.

许多客户向我们询购马海毛毛衣。A lot of customers have approached us to enquire for mohair sweaters.

一只成年的安哥拉山羊每年能产出7公斤之多的马海毛。An adult Angora can produce as much as 7 kilograms of hair each year.

美国,同时还有南非和土耳其,都是马海毛的领先产地。The United States is a leading producer of mohair, along with South Africa and Turkey.

马海毛用于毛衣,头巾,大衣和其他衣物,马海毛也用在地毯,毛毯和洋娃娃的头发等物品上。More hair Mohair is also used in floor rags rugs and carpets and things like doll hair.

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用日立835-50型氨基酸分析仪对四川马海毛的氨基酸进行了测试分析。Sichuan Mohair's amino-acids were mensurated with the HITACHI 835-50 Amino-acid Analyzer.

通过对四川应用安哥拉山羊改良本地山羊生产马海毛的经济效益分析。The authors evaluated the economic benefit from modifying local goat with angora goat in Sichuan.

马海毛经常用于毛衣,围巾,外套,以及包括地毯和洋娃娃头发等其他产品。Mohair is used in sweaters, scarves, coats and other products including floor coverings and doll hair.

马海毛、克什米尔产细羊毛和羊驼呢绒等密织绒按照最时髦、最流行的比例纺到了一起。The rich knit yarns such as mohair, cashmere and alpaca are proposed with modern and updated proportions.

马海毛也用于地毯,围毯和类似于玩具娃娃的假发等物品。Mohair results using flora, smart is also used in floor rugs and carpets and things like dorheredoll hair.

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白色和纯色的山羊毛是最受欢迎的,但是杂色马海毛的受欢迎度也在增加。Hair from white or solid-colored goats is the most popular, but the appeal of mixed-color mohair has grown.

羊驼毛、马海毛、安哥拉兔毛可纺性能较差,多用于开发粗纺产品。Alpaca, Mohair and Angora rabbit hair were mostly used in rough products because of their poor spinning property.

这种融合性也体现在布料选择上对带有漆皮质地细节的拉菲亚树叶纤维、马海毛、表面起簇毛织物的偏好上。The harmony continues in the fabric choice with preference for bouclé, mohair and raffia with patent leather details.

马海毛织线可以用来生产毛线衫,围巾,外套和其它织品,比如地毯,地垫,还有洋娃娃的毛发等等。Mohair is used in sweaters, scarves, coats and other clothing alone with floor rugs and carpets and things like doll hair.

它一般用在毛衣,丝巾,大衣和其他衣物上,连同地毯和玩偶的毛也是马海毛。Mohair is used in sweaters, scarves, coats and other clothing, along with floor rugs and carpets and things like doll hair.

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美国和南非,土耳其都是马海毛主要生产国,德克萨斯州是美国马海毛产量最高的州。The United States is a leading producer of mohair,along with South Africa and Turkey.America's top producing state is Texas.

盖提正在为自己2015年的春装系列创建鞋品,其中将包括晚装平底鞋——比如说由马海毛制成的拖鞋式的鞋子。Ms. Getty is launching shoes for her spring 2015 collection that will include evening flats, such as a slipper-like one made of mohair.

应用毡缩球法研究了羊毛、马海毛、兔绒、山羊绒、绵羊绒和牦牛绒的毡缩性能。The milling property of wool, mohair, rabbit hair, cashmere, sheep cashmere and yak hair was examined by using milling ball test method.