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句子不通顺。The sentence doesn't read smoothly.

人才,是通顺的第一资源。Talents are the primary source of TOSO.

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他的翻译通顺易懂。His interpretation is coherent and intelligible.

这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。The same principle may make for smoother writing.

感觉这最大的好处,是让我排泄通顺。Felt that this biggest advantage, is lets me drain smoothly.

梳理通顺,自然晾干,晾干后即可恢复原状。Comb clear and coherent, natural air, after air can restorable.

检查一下,在签订之前确定合同上各项条款通顺有理。Go over that contract with a fine-tooth comb before you agree to anything.

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洗浴后皮肤油腻,浑身舒畅,气血通顺,心旷神怡。Oily skin after bathing, every mind and the body fluent in its landscaping.

此外,不通顺的遣词造句也可能就是一条电报密码,而包含数字和长篇大论谈论桥牌游戏的信件也有嫌疑。Lists of numbers and long messages about games of bridge also aroused suspicion.

先从发梢开始通顺,逐渐向上,打通全部结节后,从上向下梳顺。From hair tip first began gradually, after all, through from downward, nodular comb.

科技英语的翻译要求准确、通顺、简练。The translation of the sci-tech English requires the accuracy, smoothness and simpleness.

除可能存在的零件目录外,译文语言中每种文本都应读起来自然通顺。With the possible exception of parts lists, every text should read natural in the target language.

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如果说翻译的第一标准是“忠实”的话,那么第二标准就非“通顺”莫属了。If fidelity is deemed the first criterion of translation, the second should certainly go to fluency.

文章这个东西,在语句通顺,错别字不多到影响阅读的情况下,好坏完全没有评判的标准。Article 22. The words in sentences, smooth, not to affect reading situation, or no judgment standard.

通顺尊重每一位员工,通顺的员工是通顺的主人,在公司的制度面前,人人平等。ZJ-TOSO respects every employee, and the employees are the host , because everyone is equal under the policy.

但如果是复杂的句子,这种翻译方法就不起作用了。请看下面的例子,逐字逐句翻译成的汉语就不通顺了。As sentences become more complex, this does not work as well. In my second example, the Chinese does not work.

首先,在每一个项目中,是译者决定文章是否可称得上具有美感,是否上下文通顺。Above all, in each project a translator makes decisions on what might be called the aesthetic and contextual order.

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花些时间来构思一封文法通顺并不失简洁的求职Email来作为你回复那些招聘广告的模板。Take the time to craft a well written and concise email cover letter to use as your response to online job postings.

类似宝贝鱼这样的网站,总能提供即时的、通顺的多国外语翻译——但是过滤掉了它们的优美和韵律。Sites like Babelfish offer instant, good-enough translations of dozens of languages – but kill their beauty and rhythm.

真正的字幕编辑是从一种文化信息和通顺的语句用另一种文化形式去表达。True subtitling denotes the adaptation of one set of cultural references and idiomatic phrases into those of another culture.