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好像乳汁滋润着我的心窝!Nourishing my heart like milk!

九个,这个词像一把匕首捅进她的心窝。Nine. The word was a dagger in her heart.

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一句友善的话,让人长年暖心窝。A single kind word will keep one warm for years.

平安夜的雪花飘落,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。Christmas eve snow, with my blessing flew into your heart.

一直往下流,流入我的心田,滋润我心窝。Has been down stream, flows in my heart, nourish my heart.

平安夜的雪花飘落,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。Christmass Eve snow, with my blessing flew into your heart.

爱情是当有人凝视你双眼时你的心窝暖意融融。Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart.

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她感到绝望--一种令人寒心,难忍的绝望,象一把邪恶的尖刀深深地扎进了她的心窝。Despair-cold, sharp despair-buried deep in her heart like a wicked knife.

我等着轮到自已上台,心窝里揪得好紧张。My stomach was turning over and over as I waited for my turn on the stage.

而南湾湖的水则是碧绿清澈,喝一口能甜透心窝的水。The water in Nanwanhu Lake is limpid, drink and make you feel sweet to heart.

在地上,躺卧着一具尸体,穿着晚礼服,心窝上插着一把匕首。Lying on the floor was a dead man, in evening dress, with a knife in his heart.

我爱你家乡的甜蔗,好像乳汁滋润着我的心窝。I love your sugarcane in our hometown, which moistens my heart like breast milk.

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女儿已经长大成为一个年轻的女子,这期间有多少次我紧紧地将这枕头贴在我的心窝上。As she was growing up into a young woman, many times I held that pillow close to my heart.

要公正,因为公平难维系着人类,要和善,因为慷慨暖人心窝。To be fair, because fairness sustains human hard to be kind, generous, because my heart warm.

那一夜的晚上,你悄悄的跑进我的心窝,在我心刻上不可磨灭的回忆。That night the evening, you quietly ran into the Xinwo I, in my heart inscribed indelible memories.

我无法让时光留步,但愿问候与祝福,永远留在你的心窝。Though I cannot let the time stop, I hope my greetings and blessings will be in your heart forever.

当脚心的痛楚传到心窝,感慨已让岁月的浪头匆匆掠过,不留一丝痕迹。When the arch pain to the heart, feeling has let the years waves rushed by, without leaving the slightest trace.

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胃脘痛是指上腹胃脘部经常反复发作性疼痛为主的,在胃脘近心窝处疼痛为主症的疾病。Epigastric pain was the symptom referred to frequent epigast pain. The patient with epigastric pain often met in clinic.

“在伯格斯张开嘴说“怎么回事,”之前,哈雷就粗暴的将警棍狠狠的捅在他的心窝。Before Bogs can even open his mouth to say "what the fuck, " Hadley rams the tip of his baton brutally into his solar plexus.

童年充满着欢乐,童年到处是温暖,童年是值得回忆的相机,童年爱满心窝!Childhood is full of joy, full of warm childhood, childhood memories of the camera is worth childhood full of heart will love!