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他们正在修栅栏。They are building a fence.

帮助跛足的狗越过栅栏。Help a lame dog over stile.

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狗跳过了栅栏。The dog jumped over the stile.

帮助跛足的狗越过栅栏。L Help a lame dog over a stile.

人常对自己筑起栅栏。Man barricades against himself.

他们住在用栅栏围起的镇子里。They lived in a palisaded town.

那个年轻人纵马越过栅栏。The horse jumped over the fence.

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这栅栏该用东西支一支。This fence should be propped up.

我们帮她爬过了栅栏。We bunked her up over the fence.

他用链条把自行车拴在栅栏上。He chained his bike to the fence.

铁道平交道口的栅栏没有上去。The railroad barrier won't go up.

他的马不肯跳过第一道栅栏。His horse refused the first fence.

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操场四周已围起栅栏。The playground has been railed in.

蔓草长满栅栏上。The vines have overgrown the wall.

卷毛穿过栅栏上的大裂缝。Curl through the wide fence cracks.

马在高栅栏前逡巡不前。The horse balked at the high fence.

栅栏把我的地与她的地分隔开来。The fence divides my land from hers.

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那些金属制的栅栏慢慢地消失了。Slowly, the metal began to disappear.

他们以栅栏划分场地。They demarcated the lots with fences.

那匹马轻而易举地跨过栅栏。The horse hurdled the fence with ease.