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什么是短语?什么是分句?What is a phrase? What is a clause?

句子可分成分句。Sentences can be broken up into clauses.

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这两个分句由一个逗号分开。The two clauses are separated by a comma.

这两个分句由一个连词连在一起。The two clauses are joined by a conjunction.

这几天她将把巴赫的赋格曲分成旋律分句。She will phrase fugue of Bach's in these days.

这几天她将把巴赫的赋格曲分成旋律分句。She will phrase a fugue of Bach's in these days.

有时候,分句里面有可能还包含分句。Sometimes, there may also contain clauses clauses.

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无主语分句在书面英语中出现的频率很高。Subjectless clauses appear in written English quite frequently.

如果你想用“包括”这个词,就要考虑在其后加上“但不限于……”的分句。When you write "including" consider adding "but not limited to."

句子可以分成分句,分句可以分成短语。Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases.

这里像是一个前后分句的结构,配上和弦。So it has a kind of antecedent-consequent phrase structure with the chord.

此外,文中还对转述分句在语篇衔接方面的功能作了探讨。Moreover, it probes the function of reporting cause in the discourse links.

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各分句之间可以有各种不同的关系,常用关联词表示。The clauses have different relations which are often denoted by correlatives.

第四章为对形容词性分句在句子层面上的研究。Chapter four is about the research of adjective clauses in a sentential level.

简单句是含有一个分句的句子,以作主语的名词词组开头。A simple sentence has one clause, beginning with a noun group called the subject.

关于分句语法主语的择用原则问题各路学者作出了很多论述。There are a lot of principles for the choice of clausal grammatical subject by many scholars.

连词是连接词与词、短语与短语、分句与分句的重要语法手段。Conjunctions are an important grammatical means used to combine words, phrases, and sentences.

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前分句在这个高音部分结束,那是前分钟的结尾和弦发生转变。Once we get up there, that's sort of the end of the antecedent phrase and we have a chord change.

例如,挥手再见,乐曲分句,婴儿的一阵啼哭和其他所有的姿势都持续大概3秒钟。Goodbye waves, musical phrases, and infants' bouts of babbling and gesturing all last about 3 seconds.

认为条件句结构的两个分句属于并列结构的分析没有立足之地。Through analysing , we believe that conditional structures being coordinated clauses cannot stand by itself.