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他是精明能干的人。He is capable man.

她思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。She's mature, dynamic and honest.

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我在伦敦生活的时间越长,就越觉得自己精明能干。The longer I lived in London, the savvier I felt.

多利斯精明能干,我想她一定能做一名好经理。Doris has really got a good head on her shoulders.

他固然是个好色的纨绔子弟,但身手矫捷,精明能干。He is a lewd of a dandy, but admits skill, shrewd.

一名好领导应该精明能干,办事效率高。A good leader should be both competent and efficient.

她给他的印象是如此的镇定自若,精明能干。She had always struck him as so poised, so competent.

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你就该嫁给一个像我这样精明能干的人。You deserve to marry a capable and intelligent guy like me.

我确信你们的天赋之一就是拥有精明能干的头脑。I'm sure one of your gifts is the gift of a smart and capable brain.

他是精明能干的律师,能从一连串文件的蛛丝马迹中找出诈骗。He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trail of fraud.

在经理看来,杰里是一个思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实、颇有前途的小伙子。In the manager's eyes, Jerry is a mature, dynamic, honest and promising man.

赵国的平原君打算亲自到楚国去请救兵,想挑选一个精明能干的人一同前去。He wanted to select a capable man to go with him. A man called Mao Sui volunteered.

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他说,孙子精明能干、英俊,但在学校却“目光呆滞。His grandsons, he says, are bright and handsome, but in school “their eyes glaze over.

他突然显得精明能干,象是一名官员,一个运筹帷幄,发号施令,完成大业的人。He suddenly seemed capable, an official, a man to contrive to direct, to get things done.

世界上满坑满谷都是精明能干、才华横溢、学富五车以及极具天赋之人,我们每天都会见到他们。The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and giftedpeople.We meet them every day.

不仅销售人员是这样,那些精明能干的高级管理人员也是这样。This happens not only to salesmen , but to the shrewd, capable executives in top management.

赵国得平原君打算亲自到楚国去请救兵,想挑选一个精明能干得人一同前去。Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the State of Chu personally for assistance.

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世界上满坑满谷都是精明能干、才华横溢、学富五车以及极具天赋之人,我们天天都会见到他们。The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day.

世界上满坑满谷都是精明能干、才华横溢、学富五车以及极具天赋之人,我们每天都会见到他们。Thee world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day.

我雇了4个工作人员,他们都是20多岁到30岁出头的年纪,都精明能干,而且“价廉物美”。I hired four staffers, all of them smart, in their twenties or early thirties, and suitably cheap.