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此次参加比赛、交易会和联欢活动的多达60余万人,可谓盛况空前。The play, fair and celebration of as many as 600,000, is unprecedented.

为了把它办成一届历史上盛况空前的运动会,首都城市将有几项重大变化。To make it the best ever Games, the capital city will make several big changes.

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就在去年,各厂商纷纷拥抱创新视频营销,盛况空前。Last year saw brands embracing innovative online video campaigns like never before.

先后52场的演出,观众达数十万人,盛况空前。The 52 performances saw thousands of audience, which was the first time in history.

上周日的温网公开赛盛况空前,纳达尔苦战五局,击败费德勒。Nadal beat Federer in five sets in one of the greatest matches ever witnessed last Sunday.

我知道所有的家人和宾客都想去观看这场盛况空前的婚礼,都会分心。I know all my family members and guests would want to watch the celebration and would be distracted.

每逢羊年转湖的朝圣者人流如潮,盛况空前。Every goat year, waves of pilgrims come to the Holy Lake. It is really an exceptionally grand occasion.

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这次露天仪式有9千人参加,盛况空前,使得这成为白宫举行过的最大规模的一次仪式。Nine-thousand guests jammed the outdoor ceremony, making it one of the largest ever held at the White House.

80多个世界领导人在高温闷热的夏夜参加这次盛况空前的开幕式。More than 80 world leaders are attending today's lavish ceremony on a hot, humid night in the Chinese capital.

本届国际戏剧演出季除开幕式盛况空前,闭幕式灿烂夺目外,中间部分的演出新鲜而充满活力。In addition to the splendid opening and closing extravaganzas, the theatrical events at the Theater Season are both new and full of dynamic.

盛况空前的行业大比武、技术大交流,结束了我市餐饮无市级名店、名菜、名师的历史。Unprecedented grand meeting to contest the industry, the technology exchange, the end of the city with municipal Noted Place Restaurant, famous, the history teacher.

汉代赦令颁行的盛况空前,展示了封建皇权的至高无上,体现了赦免制度的实质。The unprecedentedly grand state of issuing for enhancement of the pardon decrees displays the supremacy of the feudal imperial power and the essence of the pardon system.

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这期间花灯满城,游人满街,热闹非凡,盛况空前,直要闹到正月十五元宵节过后,春节才算真正结束了。Lantern town during this period, visitors to the streets, bustling, unprecedented head straight to fifteenth day after the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival to be truly over.

三年,3张专辑,10首单曲,9张演唱会及作品合辑,开过三次生日演唱会,一次音乐会,五场巡回演唱会,盛况空前。Three years, 3 albums , 10 single tunes, 9 concerts and the work gather edit, have held three secondary date concert, a concert, five tour concerts, occasion unmatched in grandeur.

一年一度的悉尼春节巡游已成为新州多元文化舞台的亮丽风景,今年的巡游活动更吸引了近10万市民和游客,盛况空前。The annual Chinese New Year Twilight Parade has become a trademark of NSW’s multiculturalism. This year’s parade unprecedentedly attracted a crowd of more than 100,000 citizens and tourists.

解放初期为庆祝农村合作化,曾从三塔塘到南湖烟雨楼长约二三公里的距离中搞过一次踏白船活动,盛况空前。To celebrate the liberation of rural co-operative, who from the Three Pagodas Tong Yan Yulou about 23 kilometers to the South Lake in the distance white boats engaged in a first step, unprecedented.