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但是领队拉着绳走时,却牵不动小黑子。But when he pulled, he could not budge him!

因此领队就在小黑子的鼻子上穿了一根绳。So he put a rope through Grandma's Blackie's nose.

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半小时之后黑子还没有回来。Half an hour later, however, Blackie had not returned.

听到这话,小黑子立即就跟着他走了。Hearing this, Grandma's Blackie went with him at once.

黑子半影具有旋涡结构。There is the spiral structure in the sunspot penumbra.

陈大恼羞成怒,让人找到领头的黑子,严刑拷问。Chen angry, let a person find the leading sunspot, torture.

像太阳黑子一样,恒星黑子大小会变会迁移。Like sunspots, starspots should change in size and migrate.

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黑子用手枪指着曹弘毅的脑袋,做出要开枪的架势。With the gun to Cao Hongyi's head to shoot off the sunspots.

黑子数目的任何改变都反映了太阳内部活动的变化。Any changes in sunspot numbers reflect changes inside the sun.

黑子和石破天背对出击,他们也处于被夹攻当中。Sooty skyshatter back to attack, and stone is also be of both.

接近太阳表面中心之处,一个黑子群清晰可见。Close to the centre of the sun, a group of sunspots is visible.

石墨来到王春石肉摊了解黑子的资料。Wang Chunshi came to understand the graphite meat sunspot data.

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本文讨论了太阳活动区和黑子区的无力场的演化。In this paper the evolution of force-free magnetic field was discussed.

这下惨了,我就像白棋盘上的一颗黑子这样明显了。This time miserable, and I like the white board on a sunspot so obvious.

他观察村中漫游的牧群,注意到了老奶奶的小黑子。While examining the wandering village herd, he noticed Grandma's Blackie.

陈大杀死黑子父亲,直向疤脸人藏身之处走来。Chen big kill sunspot father, straight to the face of people hiding place.

但是拉车的公牛们看到小黑子这么强壮,也都不动。But all the bulls had seen how strong he was, so they would not move either!

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没有王,女王啥事儿也不干,然后黑子不守规矩乱来。There's no king, the queen does fuck all and the blacks never follow the rules.

老磁场席卷就应该重新在2010-2011年出现的大黑子。Old magnetic fields swept up then should re-appear as big sunspots in 2010-2011.

黑子慷慨的帮蓝馨解决了学费。The side blue strong and pervasive fragrance of sunspot generosity solved tuition.